■ 344 M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s s a y s ,
F is fhort, broad, and nearly fixait, placed along the intermediate
line, but between it and the lateral ; it paffes under e, and is
fixed to the fold o f thé fkin. which goes- from one leg to the other ;
the lower infertion is near. the.fécond divihon,
There are fometimes three muFcles g, and fometimes four ; their
lower fixture is about the middle o f the ring ; the anterior infertion
is at the fold of the fkin, near the neck.
The mufcles i and hare alfo fixed to the fame fold.; the other
end o f h is fixed under the mufcle TJ, near the fpiraculum.
Above the upper end o f f, a mufpular packet g, formed by the
feparation of two floating mufcles, may be feen ; though only im-
perfeftly, as they were injured by the diffeftion.
S t e p p . , R i ng.
Six gafiric mufcles, k, 1, ‘m, n, Ó,'p,. may be pretty well
diftinguithed in this ring.
k is a large oblique frtbïtféfwith tfirèé’-or four divifions, placed
at the anterior part, o f it’s ring the head of it is fixed between the
inferior line arid it’s intermediate ohe, at' the fold" o f -the.fécond
divifion, from whence it croffes the inferior line, and it’s fimilar
mufcle; it terminates to the right and left o f this line.
1 is a narrow mufcle, whofe head "is' fccedJ tb' 'th e 1 fold' -'óf the
fécond divifion, the tail of it lies under n, and is fafiened to the
edge of the fkin that forms the cavity for the leg.
6 m, two
M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s s a y s . 345
m, two mufcles o f the fame obliquity, placed one on the other;
the head of it is inferted in the fkin, under the mufcle (3, and
communicates, by a bed of fibres, with the tail o f the mufcle y ;
the other end is fixed to the intermediate inferior line, at the fold
o f the third divifion.
n is large and.broad; it covers the lower edge o f the cavity of
the limb, and the extremity of the tail of 1; the firft fixture is at
the fkin, near the intermediate line, from whence it goes in a
perpendicular direction towards m, and introduces itfelf under
o and m, where it is fixed.
o is narrow and bent, and covers a little the edge o f the cavity
o f the le g ; one end terminating there, the other end finifhes at
the third divifion near m.
p is alfo bent; it runs near the anterior edge of the cavity o f
the le g ; one end meets the head of o, the other end terminates
at a raifed fold, near the inferior line.
On the fide o f the lateral mufcle o there is a triangular mufcle,
fimilar to q o f the following ring ; it is entirely concealed in this
by the mufcle m.
T h i r d R i n g .
This ring has no mufcle, fimilar to m of the preceding ring.
f lu k only