273- Kerona Calvitium.
Kerona latiufcula, oblonga, antice corniculis micantibus. Rather
broad, oblong, with glittering horns on the fore-part.
The body is rather broad and flat, both fides ©btufe, filled
with black molecules, and more particularly a dark fpot near the
hinder-part; the interjacent vehicles are pellucid, no hairs on the
fore-part, but inftead thereof two little moveable horns, and from
three to five moveable black points, a few fhort briflles at the
hind-part.. Found in, the infufions of vegetables.
274. Kerona Puflulluata.
Kerona ovalis convexa, poffice altero margine finuata, utraque
extremitate crinita, comiculifque anticis. Oval convex kerona,
one edge o f the hinder-part finuated, both ends fet with hairs,
and fome horns placed'on the fore-part.
This animalculum was found, in fait water..
XV., H 1 M A N T O P U S .
Vermis inconfpicuus, pellucidus; cirratus. A pellucid; invr-
fible, curated * worm.
* That is, furaiihed with a tuft or loci, of hair.
275, Himantopus Acarus. Fig. 27, Plate XXVI.
Himantopus ventrofus, poftice cirratus, antice acuminatus.
Ventrofe himantopus, the hinder-part cirrated, the fore-part
It is a lively, Conical, ventricofe animalculum, full o f black
molecules, the fore-part bright and tranfparent. The apex is
more or lefs attenuated, at the will of the little creature, with
rows of Ipng hairs, like fo many rays underneath; four locks o f
hair,,or feet, long and crooked, proceed from the belly; it is
continually moving, thefe and the other hairs in various directions,
it has the fame circular. motion in the fame place. It is
found, though feldom, where there is lemna. a the apex, b the
ciliated part, c the feet..
276. Himantopus Ludib. Fig. 26, Plate XXVI.
Himantopus cirrata, fupra crinita, cauda furfum extenfa.
Curled himantopus, the upper part hairy, the tail extended upwards.
This is a lively and diverting animalculum, fmooth, pellucid,
full of little points, .the fore-part clubbed, and a little bent, the
hind-part narrow, the bafe obliquely truncated, terminating in a
tail ftretched out tranfverfely. The top.of the head, and the middle
o f the back b, furnilhed with long vibrating hairs ; from the