mahogany pyramidical box, which forms the body of the micro-
fcope ; it is fupported firmly on the brafs pillar F G, by means of
the focket H, and the curved piece IK .
L M N is a guide for the eye, in order to direft it in the axis o f
thelenfes ; it confifts o f two brafs tubes, one Aiding within the
other, and a vertical flat piece, at the top o f which is the hole for
the eye. The outer tube is feen at M N, the vertical piece is
reprefented at LM . The inner tube may be pulled out, or
pufhed in, to adjuft it to the focus o f the glafles. The vertical
piece may be raifed or deprefled, that the hole, through which
the objeft is to be viewed, may coincide with the center o f the
field of view; it is fixed by a milled fcrew at M, which could not
be fhewn in this figure.
At N is a dove-tailed piece o f brafs, made to receive the dove-tail
at the end of the tubes M N, by which it is affixed to the wooden,
box A B C D E. The tubes M N may be removed from this box
occafionally, for the convenience o f packing it up in a lefs compafs.
O P a fmall tube which carries the magnifiers-'
O one o f the magnifiers; it is fcrewed into the end o f a tube,
which Aides within the tube P; the tube P may be unfcrewed:
occafionally from the wooden body.
Q R S T V X a long fquare bar, which pafles through the
fockets Y Z , and carries the ftage or frame that holds the objefts;
this bar may be moved backward or forward, in order to adjuft it
to the focus, by means o f the pinion which is at a.
b e
b e is a handle furnifhed with an univerfal joint, for more conveniently
turning the pinion. When the handle is removed, the
nut, Fig. 2, may be ufed in it’s ftead.
d e is a brafs bar, to fupport the curved piece K I , and keep
the body A B firm and fteady.
f g h i is the ftage for opake objefts ; it fits upon the bar
Q R S T by means of the focket h i, and is brought nearer to,
or removed further from, the' magnifying lens, by turning the
pinion a : the objects are placed in the front fide of the ftage,
(which cannot be feen in this figure) between four fmall brafs
plates ; the edges of two of thefe are feen at k 1. The two upper
pieces of brafs are moveable; they are fixed to a plate, which is
acted on by a fpiral fpring, that prefles them down, and confines
the Aider with the objefts; this plate, and the two upper pieces
o f brafs, are lifted up by the fmall nut m.
A t the lower part of the ftage, there is a femicircular lump of
glafs n, which is defigned to receive the light from the lamp,
Fig. 3, and to collect and throw it on the concave mirror O,
from whence it is to be reflected on the objeft.
The upper part, f g r s, of the opake ftage takes out, that the
ftage for tranfparent objects may be inferted in it s place.
Fig. 4, reprefents the ftage for tranfparent objefts; the two.
legs, 5 and 6, fit into the top of the under part r s h i of the ftage
for opake objects; 7 is the part which confines or holds the
Ciders, and through which they are to be m o v e d 9 and 10 a
. brafs