A very fitrgtilar aniraalculum, appearing only as a grey
mucous mafs ; it is filled with- a number ó f black globules, o f
different fizes; and is continually changing its figure. Being
formed o f a. gelatinous pellucid fubfiance, the ftiape';is! eafily
altered, and it pufhes out branehes o f different lengths‘ and
breadths. The globules which are within divide and pafs immediately
into the new-formed pacts, always following the various
changes o f form in the anfmalcufa. The' changes th a t ' are ob-
ferved in the form o f this little ■ creatiüè; do hot arife1 from any
extraneous eaufe, but are entirely dependent on it’s internal
It is to be met with but very fêldom-, the indefatigable Muller
only faw it twice, although he examined fuch .an ïmihenfe variety
o f infufions.
It is to be found in fenny fituatiofts,
1 2. Proteus Tenax.
Proteus in fpiculum diffluens; Fig: 4 and 5, Place XXV.
Proteus, running out into a fine point.
A gelatinous-pellucid body, ftore'd with black 'molecules ; it
changes it’s form like the preceding, but always in a regular order,
firft extending itfelf out in a ftrak line, thé lower part terminating
in an acute bright point, without any inteftines, and the globules
being all colleöed in the upper part, it next draws the pointed
«end up towards the middle o f the body, fwelling it into a round
Term. The contraftion goes on for fome time, after which the
lower part is fwelled out as it is reprefented in Fig. 4; the
point is afterwards projefted from this ventricofe part. It paffes
through five different forms- before it arrives at that which is feen
at Fig. 4. It fcarcely moves from one fppt, only bending about
fideways. It is to be found in river water, where the C nitida
grows,— a the tail, c the head, d the protuberant fwelling.
a a . H
m iI ' 1
III. V o l T o x .
Volvox inconfpicuus fimpliciffimus, pellucidus, fphasricus.
An invifible, very fimple, pellucid, Iphaerical worm.
13. Volvox Punfium.
Volvox fphaericus, nigricans, puncio lucido. Spherical, of a
black colour, with a lucid point.
A fmall globule; one hemifphere' is opake and black, the
other has a pellucid cryftalline appearance; a vehement motion
is obfervable in the dark part. It moves in a tremulous manner,
, and often paffes through the drop, turning round as if upon an
axis. Many may be often feen joined together in their paffage
through the water, they fometimes move as in a little whirlpool,
and then feparate. It is found in great numbers on the furface o f
feetid fea water.
14. Vol