0. V o lvo x : fphaericum. Spherical.
4. Enchelis : cylindraccum. Cylindrical.
5. Vibrio : elongatuni. Long.
* Membranaceous.
6. Cyclidium: ovale. Oval.
7. Paramaecium : oblongum: Oblong.
8. Kolpoda: finuatum. Sinuous.
9. Gonium : angulatum. With angles,
xo. Burlaria. Hollow like a purfe.
II. Thofe that have external organs.
* Naked, or not inclofed in a fhell.
1. Cercaria: caudatum. With a tail.
2. Trichoda: crinitum.
3. Kerona: comiculatum. With horns.
4. Himantopus: cirratutn. Cirrated.
5. Leucophra : ciliatum undique. Every part ciliated.
6. Vorticella : ciliatum apice. The apex ciliated.
* Covered with a fhell.
7. Brachionus ciliatum apice. The apex ciliated.
I. M o n a s .
Vermis incbnfpicuus, fimpliffimus, pellucidus, puncliformis.
An invifible,* pellucid, fimple, punctif'orm worm.
1. Monas Termo.
Monas gelatinofa. Gelatinous Mona.
Animalcules femblable a des points, fpall. op. phyf. I. p.
Bullæ continuo motu, Bonanni obf. p. 174.
Among the various animalcula which are difcovered by the
microfcope, this is the molt minute, and the moll fimple; a
fmall jelly-like point, eluding the powers of the compound
microfcope, and being but imperfeftly feen by the fmgle ; thefe,
and fome others o f the mona kind, are fo delicate and flender,
that it is no wonder they often efcape the fight of many who*
have examined infufions with attention; in a full light they totally
* By invifible we only mean that they are too
fmall to be difterned by the naked