526 Mi cros cop i cal Essays*
.72. Vibrio Linier.“
Vibrio ventricofo-ovatus, colfo breviflimo. Ventricofe ova}
■ vibrio, with a fhort neck.
This is one o f the larger animalcula, o f an egg fhape, pellucid,
inflated, fomewhat depreffed at to p ; the apex is prolonged into a
moveable cryflalline neck, the belly is replete with pellucid molecules.
It is not very common, but is to be found among the
73. Vibrio Utriculus.
Vibrio teres, antice anguflatus truncatus, poftice ventricofus.
Round vibrio, the fore-part narrow and truncated, the lower
It does not ill referable a bottle in fhape; the belly is replete
with molecular inteftines, the neck bright and clear, the top
truncated; in feme a pellucid point is vifible at the bottom o f the
belly. It is in an unceafing, vehement, and vacillatory motion,
the neck moving from one fide to the other as fall as poffible.
74. Vibrio Fafciola.
Vibrio antice attenuatus, medio latiufculus, poftice acutus.
Vibrio with a fmall fore-part, the middle a little bigger, the hind-
part acute.
Mi cros cop i cal E ssays. 5 27
This is a pellucid animalculum, in the middle are the inteftines
in the form o f points ; an alimentary pipe, which leffens gradually
in fize, is alfo perceptible»
The motion o f it is quick, darting itfelf up and down the-
water with great velocity. It is found in water juft loofened.
from the froft, and feldom elfewhere.
75.. Vibrio Colymbus.
Vibrio craflus, poftice acuminatus, collo fubfaleato. Thick
vibrio, fharpenpd at the end, the neck a little bent.
It is larger than moft of the vibrios, and not unlike a bird in
fhape. The neck is round, fhorter than the trunk, o f an equal
fize throughout, and o f a bright appearance, the apex obtufe.
The trunk is thick, fomewhat triangular, full of yellow molecules
; the fore-part broad, the hinder-part acute, the motion
76. Vibrio Striftus.
Vibrio elongatus linearis, anticemi virfus attenuatus, apicerob-
tufo. Vibrio lengthened out almoft to a line, fmall towards the
fore-part, the apex obtufe.
The body linear, being a membranaceous-bright thread, without
any flexure; the hind-part thicker, round, and filled with
molecules, excepting juft the end, where there is a fmall pellucid
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