fwimming about with the extremities joined together. Found in
water that has been kept for fome days.
32. 'Enchelis Intermedia.
Enchelis cylindracea, hyalina, margine nigricante. Cylindrical
enchelis, tranfparent, with a blackifh margin.
This animalculum forms an intermediate kind between the
monas punEum, the enchelis feminulum, and the cyclidium
milium. It is one o f the fmalleft among the animalcula. The
body is tranfparent, it has no vifible inteftines, the fore and hind-
part are o f an equal fize, the edge o f a deeper colour than the
reft of the body; a point is to be feen in the middle o f fome o f
them, in others it is as if a line palfed through the middle.
33. Enchelis Ovulum.
Enchelis cylmdrico-evata hyalina. Egg-fhaped tranfparent
A tranfparent, round, egg-fhaped animalculum; nothing is
difcovered within fide, even by the third magnifier; but with an
increafed power fome long foldings may be feen on thefuper-
ficies, and here and there a few bright molecules.
■ 34. Enchelis Pirum.
Enchelis inverfe conica, poftice hyalina. Pear-form enchelis,
the hinder-part tranfparent. ■
This enchelis is lively, and pellucid, the fore-part is protuberant,
and filled with molecules, the hinder-part fmaller and
empty; it has moveable molecular inteftines. Its motion is
rapid, pafling backwards and forwards through the diameter of
the drop. When at reft, it feems to have a little fwelling, or
tubercle,, on the middle o f the body.
35. Enchelis Tremula.
Enchelis ovato-cylindracea, gelatina. Oval enchelis, cylindrical,
This is alfo to be placed amongft the moft minute animalcula ;
the end o f it is rather pointed, and has a tremulous motion ■ it
almoft induces one to think it has a tall. Two o f thefe little creatures
may at times be perceived to adhere together. It was found
in an infufion with the paramaecia aurelia, and many other animalcula.
36, Enchelis Conftrifta.
Enchelis obovata, eryftallina, medio G o a r f t a t a . Suboval enchelis,
cryftalline, with a ftriflure in the middle.
An animalculum of an oval fhape, the middle part drawn in,
as if a firing was tied round it. It is o f a very fmall fize, and is
found in fait water,