A pair of forceps.
Six large ivory Aiders, with tranfparent objects, and fix fmall
ditto with ditto.
Fourteen wooden Aiders, with four opake objefts in each Aider,
and two fpare Aiders.
Some capillary tubes, for viewing fmall animalcula.
The ufe and manner of ufing the articles o f the apparatus will
be more particularly explained when we defcribe the figures which
are delineated in Plate IX.
D escription of C uffs double-constructed Microscope,
represented a t Fig. i, Plate VII. A .
This infirument was firft defcribed by Mr. Baker, and recommended
by him. It was alfo defcribed by my father in the fourth
edition o f his Micrographia Uluftrata, page xix.
A B C reprefents the body o f this microfcope; it contains ah
eye-glafs at A, a broad lens at B, and a magnifier which is fcrew-
ed on at C.
The body of the microfcope is fupported by the arm D E,
from which it may be removed at pleafure.
The arm D E is fixed on the Aiding bar F, and may be raifed
or deprefled to any height within it’s limits.
T h e main pillar a b is fixed in the box be, and by means of
thebrafs foot d is fcrewed to the mahogany pedeftal x Y, in which
is a drawer containing all the apparatus.
O, a milled-headed fcrew, to tighten the bar F when the ad-
jufting fcrew c g is ufed.
p q is the ftage, or plate, which carries the objects ; it has a
hole at the center n.
G a concave mirror, that may be turned in any direction, to
refleft the light of the candle, or the Iky, upon the objeft.
T o use this Microscope.
Screw the magnifier you intend to ufe 'to the end c of the
body, place the Aider-holder P in the hole n, and the Aider with
the object between the plates of the Aider-holder ; fet the upper
edge of the bar D E to coincide with the divifions which corref-
pond to the magnifier you have in ufe, and pinch the milled nut ;
now refiea a proper quantity of light upon the objeft, by means
o f the concave mirror G, and regulate the body exaaiy to the
eye and the focus of the glafles, by the adjufting fcrew eg.
T o view opake objeas, take away the Aider-holder P, and
placé the objea on a fiat glafs under the center of the body, or
on one end o f the jointed nippers o. Then fcrew the fil-yer concave
fpeculum to the end o f the cylinder.L, and Ai e t is cy in
der on the W e r part of the body, fo that the upper edge thereof
may coincide with the line which has the fame mark with the
L magnifier