70. Vibrio Coluber.
Vibrio filiformis, feta caudali geneculata. Filiform vibrio, the
tail fetaceous, and bending up nearly to form a right angle with
the -body.
In this vibrio the mouth, the oèfophagus, thé molecules in the
inteftines, and the twilling thereof, are very confpicuous. The
tail is exceeding fmall, and bent fo as to form a confiderable angle
with the body. It is found in river water.
71. Vibrio Anguillula.
Vibrio aequalis fubrigidus. Vibrio o f an equal lize throughout,
and fomewhat hard.
This animalculum may be divided into four varieties, i f not
diflindt Ipecies, namely, the anguillula aceti, glutinis farmoli,
aqua: dulcis, et aquae marini.
Anguillula Aceti. Vinegar Eel.
Chaos redivivum, Lin. Syft. Nat. 1326.
Leeuwenhoeck Op. Omn. p. 3, n. 1, f, 1, a
Joblot Obf Micr. 1, p. 2, pi, 2.
Hook’ s Micr. p. 25, fig. 2.
Borelli Obf. Micr. 1, p. 7.
Powers Micr. Obf. p. 38.
Baker’s Empl. for Micr. p. to, fig. 8 and g.
---------Micr. Expl, p. 81, pi. 5, fig. 10.
Adams Micr. Iiluf. pi. 32, fig. 197, A, B, C, D.
Rozier Journal Phyfique, Mars 1775, Janv. & Mars 1776.
Spallanzani Opus, Phy. part 1, p. 83.
Anguillula Glutinis. Palle Eel..
Chaos redivivum, Lin. Sylt. Nat.. 1326-
Ledermuller Micr.
Baker Micr. Exp. p; 82;
Roz. Journal Phyfique, Mars 1775, Mars 1776;.
Adams Micr. Iiluf.
T h e body is filiform, or like a thread, round, pellucid, replete
with little grains in the middle, both extremities very pellucid and
empty, the fore-part a little truncated, the hind-part terminating
in a very Ihort briftly point. It is the fame in every age and lize..
Anguillula Fluviatalis.
Corculum vermiculofimilc Lin. amaen (mund. invisj..
Needham Micr. p. gg, pi. 5, fig. 7.
Baker Micr. Expl. p. 80, pi.-5, fig. 9.
Anguille vulgaire, Rozier Journal Phyfique, 1775..
Mars, Nov. 1776.
Ibid, anguille du bled Rachitique.
Ibid, anguille du faux ergot.
Spallanz. Opufc. Phyf. part 2, page 354, p1. 5> %• 10;'-