ticularly the egg r Mr. Martin fays, that the internal fpungy fub-
fiance of bones.may be better obferved in thofe of birds than o f
any other animal; even the feathers or fcales of a moth’s wing;
amply repay the obferver; thefe alfo vary in their texture and?
figure; but the largeft, and moft commonly applied, are from the
body of the fphinx ftellatarum, or humming-bird moth a lpecL-
men is given, Plate XVI. Fig. E F H L
Tranfverfe factions of all kinds of wood, efpeciall'y thofe o f’a>
pithy pr foft nature ; their beauty will be feen by the figures in.
The flowers oFmofi graffes, with a ll the varieties o f mofles ;;
the farina o f flowers; mouldinefs, which evidently appears to,
vegetate; all the kinds, of fpunge, fea weeds, particularly the
confervas, which is jointed like a cane. The extenfive family o f '
corallines prelent an elegant appearance; the moft beautiful are
the lea hair,, fea fir, fickle,’ fox tail, &c. defcribed by Ellis..
Differed leaves, which {hew the fibres and1 nerves ; the human
inteftine, injefted with wax, is a fine objeft, as are many other
anatomical, preparations. The feed o f the lilver-rind birch appears
like an infeft'; feed o f the quaking grafs is alfo much,
admired, as is the leaf which covers the feed of forreh Among;
artificial produftions, the edge of a razor, and. point o f a fine
needle, as alfo fine cambrick, evidently difcover the inferiority of,
the workman; particles from the collifion of flint and fteel, wire
melted by the electric explolion, &c. & c . &c,.
The preceding objefts being moft o f them eafy to be procured
by thofe who have leifure, and are frequently in the country, an
endlefs variety maybe added to them; but thofe lovers of .the
icrofcope, who may have neither leifure nor opportunity to
fearch for themfelves, may be fupplied with all, or moft o f them»
or indeed with objects to almoft any extent, by applying to me,.
No. 60, Fleet-Street, London.
Befides the above, there are an immenfityof objecls which can-
only be examined alive; or when found; fuch as polypes, minute'
aquatic infefts; animalcula, of various infufions, as eels in pafte,
vinegar, &c. The eyes and teeth of fiiails, the circulation; of
the blood in the tail of fifties, &e. T h e Ihooting of falts, &e.
The following extrafl from a truly philofophical writer, will,
I? hope, prove acceptable to the reader, as well as form a proper
conclufion to this work..
“ How admirable are the works o f G o d ! how excellent the
operation o f his hands !
I confidered plants,, and. animals.; four-footed. beafts, and-,
creeping things.
In all was manifefted infinite wifdom, and. an excellent work-
manlhip, that I could not comprehend.
Yet fo much was made known unta me, as declared the power
and goodnefs o f God> and the continued agency of the great
Creator, and Lord of all things.
I beheld.