Trichoda elongata, torulofa, fetulis cin&a. Long and thick
trichoda, furrounded with fmall briflles.
The body is long, round, pellucid, and covered with very
minute'diairs; it has alfo about the body a great number of
mucid vehicles,
215. Trichoda Crinita.
Trichoda elongata, teres, undique ciliata, fubtus ad medium
ufque crinita. Long trichoda, round, every-where ciliated, the
under-part alfo hairy as far as the middle.
216. Trichoda Angulus.
Trichoda angulata, a pice crinita. Angular, the apex hairy.
This animalculum is long, more convex than moll of it s kind,
divided, by a kind of articulation, into two parts, o f equal
breadth, but differing in length, the fore-part fhorter than the
■ hind-part, the apex furnifhed with ftiort waving hair, indiftinct
molecules within-fide, no hair on the hind-part.
217. Trichoda Linter. F ig-51’ Plate XXV.
Trichoda ovato oblonga, utraque extremitate prominula. The
fliape o f an oblong egg, with prominencies at both extremities.
g Both
Both extremities o f the body are raifed, fo as to be convex at
bottom, the upper part depreffed like a boat; fometimes the
whole body whirls about. It differs from itfelf at different ages.
Is found in an infufion o f old grafs.
218. Trichoda Paxillus,
Trichoda linearis depreffa, antice truncata crinitaque, poftice
obtufa. Linear flat trichoda, the fore-part truncated and hairy,
the hinder-part obtufe.
A long animalculum, full o f grey molecules, the fore-part rather
fmaller than the hind-part, and furnifhed with minute hairs.
Was found in fait«water.
219. Trichoda Vermicularis. Fig. 1, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda elongata, cylindracea, collo brevi, apice crinita.
Long cylindrical trichoda, with a fhort neck, the apex hairy.
Gelatinous, the fore-part pellucid, the hind-part full o f molecules.
It was found in river water. It is reprefented in different
appearances in the figure, a the neck, b the hairs, c a hitl$
veficle in the hinder-part.
.220. Trichoda Melitea. Fig. 2, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda oblonga, ciliata, colli dilatabilis, apice glpbpfq, pili-
fero. Oblong ciliated trichoda, with a dilatable neck, the apei
globular, and furrounded with hairs, the edge is ciliated, and a
4 B Lind