C 713 )
I N D E X .
A P P A R A T U S o f the Iucernal microfcope, 79 ; o f
Cuff’s double, 82; o f the improved compound, 87; of
Culpeper’s, 91 ; o f the opake folar, 98; common ditto, J02;
parts of defcribed, 120.
Adams’s Iucernal microfcope defcribed, 6 7 ; double and (ingle
. microfcope ditto, 83.
Animalcula in infufions, how procured, 150 ; many forts defcribed,
454 ; properties of, 455 ; Needham and Buffon’s fyftem
concerning them confuted, 462.
Antennae of infefts, their varieties defcribed, 175.
Aphis, or puceron, defcribed, 251.
Anguillae, or eel-like animalcula, 510.
Butterfield, Mr. his method o f making glafs globules, 9.
Bonnani, Philip, his compound microfcopes defcribed, 17.
Barker, Dr. Robert, his improvement on the compound microfcope,
Bark o f trees defcribed, 660.
4 S Botanical