258. Trichoda Charon. Fig. 17 and 18, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda cymbiformis fulcata,' antice et poftice crinita. Boat-
fhaped trichoda with furrows, the fore and hind-parts both
The body is o v a l; it refembles a boat both in fhape and motion,
the upper part hollowed, the under part furrowed and convex,
the Item round, with feveral hairs projecting from it.
Several hairs mayalfo be feen on one fide. Was found in fait
water, a thé head, b the ta il; d, Fig. 18, a pellucid bubble
that is fometimes to be perceived.
259. Trichoda Cimex. Fig. lg, Plate XXXI.
Trichoda ovalis, marginibus lucidis, antice et poftice crinita.
Oval trichoda, with a lucid margin, both the fore and hind-part
It is about the fize of the trichoda Iynceus, an oval body, the
back convex, the belly flat, an incifion in the edge o f the forepart
; the edges of this incifion are feen to move. It’s inteftines
are pellucid and ill-definëd.
It both fwims and walks. When it meets with any obftacles,
four fmall briftles, which are fixed underneath, come into view;
thefe it ufes as feet, a the hairs in the fore-part, b the briftles at
the hind-part, d the back, e two fmall projecting hairs.
Trichoda ovalis, marginibus obfcuris, antice & fubtus crinita,
poftice mutica. Oval trichoda, with an obfcure margin, the
fore-part underneath fet with hairs, the hinder-parts beardlefs.
It does not differ confiderably from the preceding, though M.
Muller has pointed out fome fhades by which they may be discriminated.
XIV. K e r o ,N A.
Vermis inconfpicuus corniculatus. An invifible worm with
261. Kerona Raftellum.
Kerona orbicularis membranacea, nafuta, corniculis in tota
pagina. Membranaceous orbicular kerona, with one projecting
point, the upper furface covered with fmall horns. There are
three rows of horns on the back, which nearly occupy the whole
of it. It was found in river water.