i88. Triclioda Nigra.
Trichoda. oVSlis compreffa, antice latior crinita. Oval earn-
preffed trichoda, the fore-part broader and hairy;
The body is opake, when in violent motion it is black, when
at reft one fide is pellucid; the middle o f the fore-part is fur-
nilhed with little moveable hairs. ■ It was found in fait water.
189. Trichoda Pubes. Fig. 61 and 62,
Trichoda ovate-oblonga gibba, antice deprefi'a. An egg»
lhaped oblong bunch, fore-part depreffed.
An animalculum with a bunch above the hind-part, marked
with black fpots,-depreffed towards the top, a little folded, and
fomewhat convex underneath; at leaft this is it’s appearance
when in motion. Very minute hairs occupy the apex, but
which are with difficulty feen, except when it is in the agonies o f
death, it then ftretches them out with all it’s might from an arched
chink at the top, moving them vehemently, and endeavouring
as it were to draw in the laft drop o f water. Is' found in water
where the duck-weed grows, moftly in December, b the hairs,
c the black globules, a the projecting bunch.
Igo. Trichoda Floccus.
„ Trichoda membranacea, antice fubconica, papillis tribus crini-
Os. Membranaceous trichoda, the fore-part rather conical, three
fmall papilla; projeft from the bafe, which are fet with hairs.
6 Tri-
Trichoda oblonga depreffa, altero margine finuato crinita,
poftice obtula. An oblong depreffed trichoda, one margin hollow
and hairy, the lower end obtufe.
The inteftines feem to be more lymphatic than molecular ; it is
©fa yellow colour, the hollow edge is that which is ciliated. It
was found in river water.
192. T richoda Pr-æceps.
Trichoda membranacea, fublunata, medio protubérante; ex-
trorfum crinita. Membranaceous trichoda, fomewhat lunated,
protuberant in the middle, a row of hairs on the outfide.
A pellucid membrane, the fore-part formed" into a kind o f ’
Keck, one edge rifes into a protuberance like a hump back, the-
©ther edge is convex.
l 93- Trichoda Proteus. Fig. 56, 57, 58, 59,. 60, Plate XXV.
Trichoda ovalis, poftice obtufa, collo elongata retractile, apice
crinito. Oval trichoda, the lower part obtufe, with a long neck,
which it has a power of contradting or extending,