147. Leucophra Mamilla.
Leucophra fphserica, opaca,- papilla exfertili. Sphasrical opake
leucophra, with a fmall papillary projetlion.
It is of a dark colour, and filled with globular molecules, the
lhort hairs are curved inwards ; it projects, and draws in occa-
fionally a little white protuberance, not uncommon in marlhy
148. Leucophra Virifcens.
Leucophra cylindraeea, opaca, poltiee craffiore. Cylindrical,
opake leucophra, the lower part much thicker than the upper
This is a large, pear lhaped, greenifh coloured animalculum,
filled with opake molecules, and covered with lhort hairs, generally
moving in a ltrait line. Found in fait water.
149. Leucophra Viridis.
Leucophra ovalis opaca. Oval, opake leucophra.
Though at firft fight it maybe taken for a variety o f the leucophra
virifcens, yet on a further examination, it differs in many
particulars; it cannot lengthen and Ihorten itfelf in the fame
manner that dóes. It is alfo much fmaller. Sometimes it is leen
to be contracted in the middle, as i f it was going to be divided
in two.
150. Leu-
150. Leucophra Burfata.
Leucophra viridis, ovalis, antice truncata. Green oval leucophra,
the fore-part,truncated.
This is fimilar in many refpefls to the foregoing leucophra,
it is a long oval, bulging in the middle, filled with green
molecules, every where ciliated, except,at the apex, which is
truncated, and fomewhat of the ffiape of a purfe ; the hairs larger,
and fometimes collefted in little.fafcicles. It is to be found in fait
•151, Leucophra Pofthuffia.
Leucophra globularis, opaca, reticulo pellucenti. Globular
opake leucophra, covered as it were witha.pellucid net.
Was .found in foetid fait water.
152. Leucophra Aurea.
Leucophra ovalis, fulva, utraque extremitate aequali obtufus.
Oval yellow leucophra, both ends o f it equally obtule.
The little hairs are with difficulty difcovered; it has, in general,
a vehement .rotatory motion.