8. Monas Lamellula.
Monas, hyalina comprefla. Flat tranfparent monas.
This is moftly found in fait water. It is of a whitifh colour,
more than twice as long as it is broad, tranfparent, with a dark
margin, the motion vacillatory ; it often appears as if double.
g. Monas Pulvifculu?»
Monas hyalina, margini virente. Tranfparent mona, with a
green margin.
Little fpherical pellucid grains, of different fizes, the circumference
green, a green bent line paffes through the middle o f
fome, probably indicating that they are near feparating, or dividing,
into two diftinft animalculum ; fometimes three or four,
at others fix and feven, or even more, are collefted together.
They rove about with a wavering motion, and are moftly found
in the month o f March in marfhy grounds.
i o . Monas Uya.
Monas hyalina gregaria. Tranfparent gregarious monas.
It is not eafy to decide on the nature o f thefe little affemblages
o f corpufcles, which fometimes conlift of five, at other times of
four, and frequently o f many more ; the corpufcles are of different
fizes, according to the number collected in one group. When
collected in a heap, the only motion they have is a kind of revolution,
or rolling round. The fmaller particles feparate from the
larger, often dividing into as many portions as there are con-
ftituent particles in the group; when feparated, they move about
with incredible fwiftnefs.
T o try whether this was a group o f animalcula collected together
by chance, or whether it was their natural ftate to be thus
grouped together, the following experiment was made. A fingle
corpufcle was taken the moment it was feparated from the heap,
and placed in a glals by itfelf; it foon increafed in fize, and when
it had attained nearly the fame bulk as the group from which it
was feparated, the furface began to affume a wrinkled appearance,
which gradually- changed till it became exaCtly fimilar to the
parent group. This new-formed group was again dt compofed,
like the preceding one, and in a little time the feparated particles
became as large as that from which they proceeded.
It is found in a variety of infufions.
II. P r o t e u s .
Vermis inconfpicuus, fimpliciffimus, pellucidus, mutabilis. An
invilible, very fimple, pellucid worm, of a variable form.
l i . Proteus Diffluens.
Proteus in ramulos diffluens, Fig. 2 and 3, Plate X X V . Proteus,
branching itfelf out in a variety o f directions.
A very