The head is full of molecules, round, and ever.y-where o f an
equal fize-; very pellucid, both fides o f the orifice are ciliated,
and each has a rotatory motion, appearing, fometimes. without
.the edge o f the mouth, as, at. a a; fometimes" within it. No
diftinft inteftines, or internal motion, perceivable. It’s motion is
different from mofl o f this genus, but not eafily defcribed. c c
fmall feet. It is found in flagnant water. .
334. Vorticella Piriformis,
Vorticella (implex, obovata, pedicello minimo retraftili.
Simple, fomewhat oval, with a very fmall retractile foot, or one
which it can draw within itfelf.
335* Vorticella Tuberofa.
Vorticella fimplex, turbinata, apice bituberculata.
Simple vorticella, the upper part broad, the under part fmall,
with two projecting parts at the anterior end, which are furnifhed
with a number of vibrating fibrillae, that produce a current of
water by their quick motion, and thus colleft food for our vorticella.
Mr. Baker has delineated it in Fig. 10 ,1 1 ,12 , Plate XIII.
o f his Employment for thé Microfcope.
336. Vorticella Ringens.
Vorticella fimplex, obovata, pedunculo minimo, erificio con-
traftili. Simple, fomewhat of an oval fhape, a fmall pedicle, an
orifice that it contrafls or dilates.
The fmall head, or rather body, o f this little .creature is pear-
fhaped, pellucid, the middle o f the aperture convex, both fides
ciliated, the pedicle four times fhorter than the body ; it Can contract
the orifice to an obtufe point.
337. Vorticella Inclinans.
Vorticella fimplex, deflexa, pedunculo brevi, capitulo.retrac-'
tili. Simple, bent, with a fhort pedicle, and fmall retraftile
A pellucid pendulous little head, the anterior part truncated,
and is occafionally, by contraction, made twice as fhort as the
pedicle ; it’s fhape is like that of a tobacco-pipe.
338. Vorticella Vaginata.
Vorticella fimplex, ereCta, ovato-truncata, pedunculo vagina-
to. Simple vorticella, erefit, o f the fhape of a truncated egg,
the pedicle contained in a fheath.