M i c r o s c o p i c a l Ess a y s.
they form themfelve.s into a kind of rope, which flowly defcendic
as low as they intend.
Anna'! quantity o f the matter containing thefe creatures having
been put into a jar o f water, it fo happened, that one part went
down immediately to the bottom, whilft the other continued floating
on the top. After fome time, each o f thefe (warms o f animal-
eela began to grow weary o f it’s fituation, and had a mind to
change it's quarters. Both armies, therefore, fet out at the fame
t me, the one proceeding upwards, and the other downwards; fo
that after fome hours.journey, they met in the middle. A defire
o f knowing how they would behave on this occafion engaged the
obferver to watch them carefully, and to his furprize he law the ■
army that was marching upwards open to the right and left, to.
make room for thofe that were defeending. Thus- without con-
fuficn or intermixture, each held on it’s way, the army that was,
gomg up marching in two columns to the top, and the other proceeding
in one column to the bottom, as if each had been .under •
the direction o f wife leaders.
63. Vibrio Lunula:
Vibrio arcuatus, utraque extremitate atquali, Fig. 16. Bow-
fhaped vibrio, both ends o f an equal.fize.
The body refembles much the fhape o f the moon at the full
quarter; it is o f a green colour, and has generally from feven to
ten globules difpofed lengthways; the fmaller ones are of a very
pale colour, a pale green vacuity may fometimes be feen in the
middle: force little varieties may be obierved arnongft them,,
M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s s a y s , goy
■ which arc not eafy to be deferibed; it will be enough to have
given the reader their general and drftinguilhing characferifiks.
64. Vibrio Yerminus.
Vibrio linearis compreffus, amice qroana poflice angttfiioT.
Linear comprefled vibrio, the fore-part narrower than the Mod-
A round tranfparent animalcu'um, or rather a long cryRallme
membrane, the hind-part broader than the fore-part, the apex
fubtruncated, the bale obtufe, no perceptible inteffines, in the
middle are two fpherical veficules, and a third towards the lower
edge. It moves quickly, with an undulatory morion, backwards
and forwards; they feem to be joined in a ver)T fingnlar manner,
and are found in great plenty in fait water that had been kept
fome days, and was foetid.
65. Vibrio Mabacus.
Vibrio linearis ball globuli, apice linea traniverla. A linear
vibrio, with a globule at die bafe, and tranfveife line at the apex.
This is a white pellucid animalculum, refembling the letter T ,
with a globule affixed to the bafe.
It is in motion and at reft every moment alternately ; when in
motion it refembles the letter V, when at reft the letter T. The .
arc found plentifully in fpring water.