M ï c r o s c ï ï h c a l E s s a y s . 564
The body is round, very pellucid, without molecular m-
teftines, though at one edge it has three little pellucid globules ,-
it is every-where befet with Ihort hairs.- It was found in a ditch
-where the-lemna minor grows.
159. Leucophra Puftulata:
Leucophra ovato-oblonga, poftice oblique truncata. An oblong
oval leucophra, the lower end obliquely truncated.
The body is white; gelatinous, fomewhat granulated ; the
lower part is truncated, as i f an oblique feflion was made in an
egg near the bottom. It is covered with little filming ere£t hairs,
at the lower end a few bright puftules may be difcovered. It is
found in marftiy waters.-
160. Leucophra Turbinate.
Leucophra inverfe conica, fubopaca. Leucophra in ftiape
like an inverted cone, and rather opake. -
It is a- round pellucid body, fomewhat of an acorn ftiape, with-
a pellucid globule at the lower end. Was found in flanking fait
161. Leucophra Acuta.
Leucophra ovata, teres, apice acuto, -mulabilis, flavicans.
Oval leucophra, round, with the apex acute, mutable, yellow.
G e l a -
Gelatinous, mutable, and thick, the apex bright, the reft o f
the body crammed with an innumerable quantity of little Iphe-
rules. It is fometimes drawn up into an orbicular ftiape, at other
times one edge is finuated. It was found in fait water.
162. L e u c o p h ra No tata .
Leucophra ovata, teres, punao marginal! atro. Oval leucophra,
round, with a black point at the edge,
163. L eu co p h ra Candida.
Leucophra hyalina, oblonga, altera extremitate attenuata
curvata. Leucophra of a talcy appearance, oblong, one end
finaller than the other, and bent back.
T h e b o d y membranaceous, flat, very- white, w ith n o vifible in-
teftines, i f we e x c ep t tw o o v a l bodies w h ich are with difficulty
p e r c e iv e d ; the w h o le edge is c iliated. F oun d in an m fu f io n o f
fait water.
164. Leucophra Nodulata.
Leucophra ovato-oblonga, depreffa, ferie noduloruim duplici.
An oblong oval fpecies ofleucophra, with a double row ot little