fome other figure peculiar to itfelf, with a conftant regularity
amidft.boundlefs variety.
Though all nature teems with objefts for the microfcopic ob-
sferver, yet fuch is the indolence o f the human mind, or 1'uch it’s
inattention to what is obvious, that among the purchalers o f mi-
crofcopes many have complained that they knew not what fub-
jefts to apply to their inftrument, or where to find objefts for
•examination. T o obviate this complaint, a catalogue is here
given, -which is interfperfed with the defcription o f a Tew infers,
and other objefts, which could not be conveniently introduced in
the foregoing chapters. By this catalogue it is hoped that the
ufe of the microfcope will be extended, and the path o f obferva-
tion facilitated.
T o avoid the faftidious parade of quotation, and the charge o f
plagiarifm, I have fubjoined to this preface a lift o f the authors
I have confulted. As my extradts were made at very diftant
periods, it would have been impoffible for me to remember to
whom I was indebted for every new faft, or ingenious obferva-
tion. It may, however, be neceffary to inform the reader, that
Mr. Marftiam gave me the Linnaean names for the infefls which
are defcribed in this work.
The plates were drawn and" engraved with a view to be folded
up with the work ; but as it is the opinion o f many of my friends
that they would, by this means, be materially injured, I have
been advifed to have them ftitched in ftrong blue paper, and leave
it to the purchafer to difpofe of them to his own mind.
4 A L ist
( )
A L ist of the A uthors which have been consulted
in the C ompilation of these E ssays.
De Geer.
Duhamel du
Micrographia Illuftrata; or, the Microfcope Explained.
London, 1746 and 1781.
The Microfcope made Eafy. - London, 1744.
Employment for the Microfcope.- - London, 1753.
An Attempt towards the Natural Hiftory of the Polype.
London, 1743.
Genera Infe£torum of Linnaeus. 4to. - London, 1781.
Botanical Lexicon. 8yo.- - - London, 1764,
Obfervationes circa Viventia, quae in Rebus Non Viventibus
Reperiuntur, &c. 4to. - - 1691.
Oeuvres d’Hiftoire.Naturelle et de Philofophie. - 9 tom. 4to.
Neufchatel, 1779,
Seleft Differtations from the Amcenitates Academicze, &c. 8vo.
London, 1781..
A Collection of Plays and Poems. London, 1778.
Flora Londinenfis. Folio. - - London.
Tranflation of the Fundamenta Entomologiæ. 8vo. London;.
By Dr. Rees. Folio. - - London, 1786..
Mémoires pour fervir à l’Hiftoire des Infedtes.. 4to. 7 tom, 1752.-
Phyfico-Theology... Bvo. . ; -• --- London, 1732..
■ Monceau. La Phyfique.des Arbres.. - - Paris, 17577.