202. Trichoda Aurantia.
Trichoda fubfinuata, ovata, antice patula, apice ad medium
crinita. Trichoda fomewhat finuated, oval, the fore-part broad,
the apex hairy to. the middle.
It is o f a gold colour, pellucid* and filled with a variety o f
203. Trichoda Ignita.
Trichoda ovata, apice acuminata, fubtus fulcata, fulco crinita..
Oval trichoda, the apex, rather acute, the under part furrowed,
the furrows hairy.
It is of a fine purple gold colour, fomewhat of a reddifh call,
pellucid, fplendid, with a number o f different-fized globules ; the
fore-part fmall, the hind-part obtufe, and having a very large-
opening, which runs as it were through the body-
204- Trichoda Prifma.
Trichoda ovata, fubtus convexa, fupra in carinam eomprefla,
antice anguftior. Oval trichoda, the under part convex, the upper
part compreffed into a kind o f keel', the fore-part fmall;
It is very fmall, and fo tranfparent, as not eafily to be delineated
; no hairs could be obferved, and it’s form is lingular.
Trichoda ovalis, antice forcipata, cruribus inaequalibus crini-
tis. Oval trichoda, with a pair of forceps at the fore-part, with
unequal hairy legs.
A large animalculum, fomewhat deprelfed, o f a pellucid yellow
colour, filled with molecules; in the lower part there is a
black opake globule, the fore-part is divided into long lobes, one
o f thefe in the Ihape o f a bill, (falciformis) and acute, the other
is dilated, and obliquely truncated; both the apex and the edge
of thefe are furnilhed with hairs o f different lengths; it can open
and Ihut thefe forceps, and crofc them at pleafure; by this motion
it fucks in the water. It was found in water that was covered
with lemna, about the winter folftice.
2 q 6 . Trichoda Forfex.
Trichoda ventrofa, antice forcipata, pollice papilla duplici
inftrufia. Ventrofe trichoda, the fore-part formed into a kind o f
forceps, and two fmall protuberances..
One of the forceps of this animalculum is twice as long as the
other, hooked, and ciliated. It was found in river water.
207. Trichoda Index,
Trichoda obovata, margine antico fubtus crinito, alteroque
apicis in degitum producto. Obovated trichoda, the under part