Botanical microfcope o f Dr. Withering, 1 15 ; common ditto,
116; magnifiers, 117.
Beetle -defcribed, 214.
Bees, their manner o f living, 257; different forts of, 282;
tapeftry, 283; mafon, 284; carpenter, 285; their probofeis,
defcribed, 362.
Blea defcribed, 665.
Bug defcribed, 697.
Cellular tiffue, 664.
Corona of trees defcribed, 669.
Cryftallization -what, 680; how prepared for the microfcope,
■ *% . ' _ ^
Cuff’s double-conllrucled microfcope defcribed, Bo; how to ufe
it, 81 ; lift o f the apparatus, 82.
Culpeper’s ditto, 89 ; how to ufe it, 90; lift of it’s apparatus, 91.
Caterpillars, curious eircumftances relating to them, 313; o f the
phalaena colfus, defcribed, 324.
Curculio imperialis, 368,
Chryfomela afparagi, 389.
Divini, Euftachio, his compound microfcope defcribed, 16.
Dellebarre’s microfcope, 23.
Eye, nature o f vifion in the, 31.
Ellis’s aquatic microfcope defcribed, 110 ; to ufe it, 112.
Eels in pafte, how procured, 15 1 ; defcribed, 5 1X; in vinegar,
510; in blighted wheat, 318.
Eggs of infefts, 265, 269.
Elytra of infefts, 368; o f the curculio imperialis, 368,,
Earwig defcribed, 374.
Eyes o f infefts, 375; o f a libellula, 382; o f the monoculus
polyphemus, 383.
Focus, what, 34.
Feathers, or feales of a moth’s wing, 370.
Forficula auricularia, or earwig, defcribed, 374.
Fifh, their feales, 391.
Flea defcribed, 691.
Glafs globules ufed as microfcopes, 8; invention attributed to
M. Hartfoeker and Dr. Hooke, ibid, method o f making them,
q, 13 ; ufed with fuccefs by T . De Torre o f Naples, 10 ;
apparatus neceffary for making them, 10.
Globules of glafs ufed as microfcopes, 13; method o f making
them, 13.
Gray, Stephen, inventor o f the water globules, 13,
Gnat defcribed, 702.
Hartfoeker, invention o f glafs globules attributed to him, 8.
Hooke, Dr. the manner o f making glafs globules in .1656
defcribed by him, 8 ; his method o f ufing the fingle micro-
4 S 2 fcope,