37. Enchelis Pulvifculus..
Enchelis eliptica, interaneorum congerie virldi. O f an elip-
tic Chape, with a* congeries of green inteftines.
It is a round animalculum, pellucid', the fore-part obtufe, the
hind-part rather lharp, marked with green fpots ; myriads may
fometimes be feen wandering about in. one drop; it is founds
among the green matter on the lides of the veffels in which water.-
has been kept for fome time,.
38.. Enchelis Fufus..
Enchelis cylindracea, utraque extremitate anguftiore truncata..
Cylindrical enchelis, both ends truncated.
The body is round and tranfparent, the fore and hind-part
fmaller than the reft o f the body, and equally fo, the ends a little
truncated. In the infide a long and fomewhat winding inteftine,,
a Iky-coloured bright fluid, and fome black molecules tranfr
verfely fituated, may be difcerned.
It’s motions are languid ; was found in pure water.
39, Enchelis Fritillus.
A eylindric enchelis, the fore-part truncated;
This is- one of the moft tranfparent animalcula ;■ the hinder-
part of an obtufe convexity, the fore-part truncated.. Muller
fufperfs that there is a rotatory organ in the fore-part.. No inteftines.
can be feen. It runs backwards and forwards-through
the drop in a diametrical line, with a wavering motion ; fome-
times turfts round- for a moment, but prefently enters on it’s
ufual.courfe.. Is found in. an infufion. of grafs and hay.
40. Enchelis- Caudata..
Enchelis elongata, antice obtufa, poftice in eaudam hyalinam
attenuata, Fig. ‘9, Plate XXV. Enchelis with a long body, the
fore-part obtufe, the -hinder-part diminifhing into a kind, of
The body is of a-grey colour^ pellucid, with globular, molecules
divided from each other, and difperfed through the whole
body; the fore-part, a, thick and obtufe, the hind-pait, b,
.cryftalline and. fmall, the e n d truncated.. It is but feldom, met
41. Enchelis Epiftomium.-
Enchelis cylindrico-elongata, apice gracih fubglobofo.. Enchelis
with a long eylindric body, the fore-part flender and,