It is a pellucid, cryftalline, ventricofe animalculum ; within it,
on one fide of the body, there is a large clay-coloured oval mafs,
adjacent to which there is a pellucid oval fubftance; the tail is
articulated and very fliort.
320. Vorticella Senta.
Vorticella inverfe conica, apertura fpinofa integra, cauda brevi
bicufpi. Somewhat of the lhape o f a cone, the aperture fet
with fpines, the tail lhort, and divided into two points.
It has fome refemblance to the larger vorticella rotatoria, but
is eafily diftinguifhed from them by it’s horned fpiny aperture,
and Ample rotatory organ.
The body is mufcular, pellucid, folding varioufly, the forepart
truncated; round the margin o f the aperture are rows of
hairs, but ftiffer hairs or fpines are alfo continually vibrating,
with which it draws in all animate and inanimate fubftances.
321. Vorticella Lacinulata. Fig. 45, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella inverfe conica, apertura lobata, fetis binis caudali-
bus. In fliape fomewhat o f an inverted cone, the aperture
lobated, the tail fmall, and furnilhed with two briftles (d).
The body is mufcular, pellucid, cylindrical, the apex about a
third part down, drawn into a little neck, the aperture or apex is
fpread on both lides into a kind of flap or lappet, in the middle is
a lita
little lamina, or triangular point; another of thefe is difcovered
when'the aperture faces the obferver,- which makes it appear like
a fmall flower. The bind-part, when in motion, is a little bent;
it terminates in two minute brillles, which are:, feenfometimes united,.
,at other times diverging. When-the animalculum is fwiir.-
ming, it’s rotatory organ fa) may be feen; molecular inteltines
are vifible; it moves with velocity in an oblique direction. Is
found in pure: water. _ . _ - . . ; , ' j0 .
. rQ22. Vo.rtioella Conftrifta.
Vorticella elliptico ventricofa, apertura integra, caudal .apnm
’ lata biphvlla. Elliptical ventricofe Vorticella, the aperture or
mouth undivided, the tail annulated and forked.
In this kind, the head, the .tail, and the trunk, .are. fully dif-
tinguiflied. A fubftance in motion_ has; been perceived, which
has been fuppofed to be the heart; there are two kinds o f th,enr>
one a pale yellow, the other of a White colour; they move by
fixing their tail to. the glafs upon the. flage, and then extending
their body as much as poffible; they fix t'nc fore part to the
place where they intend to move, and then draw the hindei -pai t
to it, and fo on. They fometimes turn round about upon one of
the. points of their tail, others fpring forwards .with a jerk. . When
at reft, they open their, mouths verv wide, the bps are ciliated,
two black globules are difegyered