very final! briftles (d), which it moves and hides at pleafure ; the
inteftines ill-defined. It’s motion is rotatory, but in various
directions. Is found commonly in marlhy waters.
328. Vorticella Canicula.
Vorticella cylindracea, apertura mutica, cauda brevi, articulata,
bicufpi. Cylindrical vorticella, the aperture plain, the tail fhort,
articulated, and dividing into two pointed parts.
32g. Vorticella Felis.
Vorticella caudata, cylindracea, mutica, cauda fpinis duabus
longis terminata. With a tail, cylindrical, beardlefs, the tail ter-
minating in two long fpines.
The body is large, the apex o f an equal thicknefs, obtufe,
with rotatory filaments ; the tail acute, with two pellucid fpines,
about one-third o f the body in length, feparating from and then
approaching each other alternately.
330. Vorticella Stentorea.
See page 429 o f this work.
331. Vorticella Socialis.
See page 432 o f this work.
332. Vorticella Flofculofa. Fig. 51 and 52, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella caudata aggregata, oblongo-ovata, difco dilatato
pellucido. With a tail aggregated, of an oblong oval fhape,
with a dilated pellucid difc.
T o the naked eye it appears as a yellow globule, adhering to
the ceratophyllon (a) like a little flower (b), or like a heap o f yellow
eggs. By the microfcope they are difcovered to be a congeries
o f vorticellas, conftituting a fphere from a mouldy center.
They either fingly, or many o f them together, extend and con-
traft their little bodies, and by means o f the difc excite a vortex
in the water.
Sometimes they quit the fociety, and aft fingly; they may
then be obferved more eafily, and will be found to confift of
three parts, a head, abdomen, and tail. The head is often fo
drawn back into the abdomen (d), that no veftige of it remains;
but it exhibits a broad difc Handing out, o f a kidney-fhape. The
abdomen (d) is an oblong, oval, pellucid, replete with obfcure
inteftines, amongft which are one or two remarkable black oval
fpots (e ); the tail is {harp, and as long again as the abdomen,
rough and annulated, or altogether fmooth.
333- Vorticella Citrina. Fig. 53, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella fimplex, multiformis, orificio contraftili, pedunculo
aequah. Simple, many-fhaped, with an orifice that it can con-
traft, and equal-fixed foot-ftalk.