A Catalogue or Instkuments.
Phik)fophical Inftruments.
Improved electrical machines, from 31.13s. 6d. to —
XleCtrica-l machine and apparatus, in.abox, from'61. i6s. 6d. to
Medical apparatus ~ * — —- 1 • • —
Electrical machines, with a feleCted apparatus, in a box, fronvyl. 7s.- to 31
Batteries, and all other parts of an eleCtricat apparatus
Small fingle-barrelled air pump
-Small double.ditto — — ^—
A large ditto | — •■ ■ ■ ■ —
Table air pump — — —
An improved air pump, Tuperior to Smeaton’s conftru&Aon of .the pump
Apparatus to an air pump, irom 4-1* 4s* *° —
Barometers ~ f —
Ditto — — r— —’
Barometers, thermometers, from 3I. 3s* t0 — —
Marine barometers
fThermometers, in mahogany boxes, from il. is. to —
Ditto with Reaumur and Farrenheit’s fcales
Botanic thermometers — — —
Thermometers for brewers, from 12s. to —
Hygrometers, from ios.6d. to — —
The mechanic powers, comprifed in a fmall neat form —-
Ditto, fitted up on a larger fcale, with -improvements
An apparatus for making experiments on accelerated) retarded, and rotatory
A mechanic apparatus fitted up for the purpofe of inflruCtihg young
people, &c. — —
A pneumatic apparatus, fitted up for the fame purpofe" ’ — .
Anelectrical apparatus, fitted up on the fame plan — —
A mägnetical apparatus, from 2I. 12s. 6d. to — —
Conductors for ftiips, to preferve them from lightning -----
£ R £ . A T k A.'
Page 2, line 15, for animalcule read animalcula.
■ 8, —- 22, for animalcule read animalcula.
375, —- 17, for eggs read chickens.
2 2 0,
31 10 0
4 H 6
6 16 6 |
ro 10 0
3° 0 0
2 2 0
2 12 6
5 '5 0
1 11 6
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3 *3\ 6
21 ' 0' 6
26 s. 0
1 6 16 0
1 7 0
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