51. Enehelis Pupa.
Enchelis ventricofo■ cylindrica, apice in papillam produfta.
Enehelis forming a kind of ventricofe cylinder, with a fmail nipple
proceeding from the apex.
It is not unlike the preceding animalculum, hut is much larger;
the anterior end not fo obtufe, the nipple gradually formed from
the fore-part, all but this end is opake, and filled with obfeure
particles : it has no tranfparent circle, as was obferved in the enchelis
pupula. It is exceeding llothful.
V. V i b r i o .
Vermis inconfpicuus, fimpliciffimus, teres, elongatus. An
invifible worm, very fimple, round, and rather long.
52. Vibrio Lineola..
Vibrio linearis minutiffimus. Very fmall linear vibrio..
This is one of the moft minute animalcula, furpaffmg in flem-
dernefs the monas termo. The greateft magnifier exhibits little-
more than a tremulous motion o f myriads of little oblong obfeure
points. In a few days it almofl; fills the whole fubltance of the
water in vegetable infufions.
' 53.' Vibrio Rugula.
Vibrio linearis flexuofus. Vibrio like a bént line.
Myriads of this fpecies may be found; it is between the vibrio
lineola and thé vibrio undula.
It appears as a little line, which is fometimes drawn up in an
undulated fhape, and moves backwards and forwards in a ftrait
line, often without bending the body at all.
54. Vibrio Bacillus.
Vibrio linearis, asqualis utrinque truncata. Linear vibrio,
equally truncated at both ends.
This is an exceeding fmall creature,' but vifible with the third
lens ; in a certain pofition o f the light tranfparent. It is gelatinous,
and not half fo large as the monas lens, though fix, and
fometimes ten times longer; it is every-where o f an equal fize,
and has no vifible inteftines ; it s action is languid, the ferpentine
flexures of the body are with great difficulty perceived.
Muller made two infufions of hay in the fame water, and at the
fame time in the one he put the hay whole, in the other it'was
cut in fmall pieces ; in the firfl there was none o f the vibrio bacillus,
but many of the mortas lens and kolpoda cucullus; in the
latter, many of vibrio bacillus, and few o f the monae.