578 M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s say s .
The body is round and long, and when extended refembles a
rolling-pin in fhape, with the ends obtufe, and one fhorter than,
the other; it can draw in the ends, and fwell out the fides, fo
as to appear almoft fpherical.
197. Triehoda Patens. Fig. 54..
Trichoda elongata, teres, antice foveata, fovae marginibus;
ciliata. This trichoda is long, round, in the fore-part it has a-i
long hole, the edges o f which are ciliated.
It is a long cylindrical animalculum, filled with molecules, the-
fore-part bright and clear, a long opening (a) near the top, which’
tapers to a point, and is befet with hairs. I t is found off
different lengths in fait water..
198. Trichoda Patul'a,
Trichoda ventricofa, fubovata> antice canaliculata, apice &
eanaliculo crinito. Yentricofe, rather inclining towards an oval;
figure, with a fmall tube at the fore-part, the upper end of the
tube befet with hairs.
199. Trichoda Foveata..
Trichoda oblonga, latiufcula, antice corniculis micantibus,
poftice mutica, Oblong trichoda, rather broad, three little
.horns on the fore-part, the hinder-part beardlefs.
200, Tri-
M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s s a y s .
200. Trichoda Striata.
Trichoda oblonga, altero margine curium, fimiata et ciliata,
utraque extremitate obtufa. Oblong trichoda, one edge rather
curved, and alfo furnilhed with a row o f hairs, both extremities
i n
It is a fplendid animalculum, o f a fox colour, and at firff fight
might be taken for a kolpoda. The body is oblong, the lower
end is the largeft, the body becoming finaller at that part where
the hairs commence ; it has a fet o f ftreaks which run from one
end to the other, arid at the abdomen a double row of little eggs,
lying in a tranfverfe direftion: It was found in river water in
Trichoda Uvula. Fig. 53.
Tricboda planiufcula elongata, asqualis, antice crinita. Rather
flat and long, o f an equal fize throughout, the fore-part hairy.
This animalculum is fix times longer than it is broad, round,
flexuous, o f an equal fize,- the greater part filled With obfcure
molecules, the fore-part (a) rather empty, diftinguilhed by an
alimentary canal, and lucid globules near the middle c ; fhort
hairs occupy the margin o f the fore-part, fome are difperfed into
a chink near the canal. Found in an infufion o f hay, &c.