576 M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s s a y s .
This is the fame animalculum which was dignified by Mr.
Baker with the name o f proteus, on account of it’s affirming a
great number of different fhapes, fo as fcarce to be known for the
fame animal in it’s various transformations; and indeed, unlefs it
be carefully watched while paffing from one fhape to another, it
will often become fuddenly invifible.
When water, wherein any forts o f vegetables have been ihfu-
fed, or animals preferved, has flood quietly for fome days/ or
weeks, in any glafs or other veflel, a llimy fubftance will be collected
about the (ides, fome whereof being taken up with the
point o f a penknife, placed on a flip of glafs, in a drop o f water,
and looked at through the microfcope, will be found to harbour
feveral .kinds of little animals -that are {eldom foen fwimming
.about at large. The infeft we .are treating o f is one o f thefe, and
was difcovered in fuch flime-like matter, taken from the fide of a
glafs jar, in which fmall -fifties, water-fnails, and other creatures
had been kept. It’s Body in fubftance and colour refembled a
fnail s ; the fhape thereof was fomewhat elliptical, but pointed at
one end, whilft from the other a long, {lender, and finely-proportioned
neck ftretched itfelf out, and was terminated with a
head, o f a fize perfeftly fuitable to the other parts of the
194. Tri-
M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s s a y s ,
194. Trichoda Verfatftis.
Trichoda oblonga, poftice acuminata, collo retraftili, infra
apicem crinito. 'Oblong trichoda, the hind-part acute, with a
neck that it can extend or contract at pleafure, the under part of
the extremity of the neck hairy.
It refembles in fome meafirre the trichoda proteus, blit the,
neck is fhorter, and the apex lefs fpherical, the hinder-part of
the trunk acute. It lives in the fea.
l 95- Trichoda Gibba. Fig.
Trichoda oblonga, dorfo gibbera, ventre excavata, antice
ciliata, extremitatibus obtufis. Oblong trichoda, with a bunch
on the back, the belly hollowed out, the fore-part ciliated, both
ends obtufe.
The body is pellucid, the upper-part fwelled out, within it are
numerous obfcure molecules, and three large globules, the ends
rather incline downwards ; when the water begins to fail, a few
minute hairs may be difcovered about the head, and at the abdomen
; the body then becomes ftriated longitudinally.
196. Trichoda Foeta.
Trichoda oblonga, dorfo protubérante, antice ciliata, extremitatibus
obtufis. Oblong trichoda, with the back protuberant,
the fore-part ciliated, both ends obtufe.
4 A The