54* T I T M O U S E ,
Female. Tht female has the head of a rufous grey, almod like the upper
parts of the body, but darker.
Place* Inhabits Louifiana.
V ae. B.
Description. E have alfo feen a further variety, which differed in not
having a black chin, all the under parts being white. One
fex had the whole head black, with a band of white acrofs the
hind head : in the other, only the top of the head was black, and
the nape yellowilh.
Thefe are in the colledtion of Sir Jofepb Banks, and were taken
on board a Ihip off the coad of Japan.
Parus atricapillus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 341. N° 6.
La Mefange a tete noire de Canada, Brif. orn. iii. p. 553. N* 6. pl. 29. F. 1;
-’r-Buf. oif. v. p. 408.
Canada Titmoufe, Artt. ZpoL
D e s c r i p t i o n . C I Z E of the lad: length four inches and a half. The upper
part of the head and the throat are black: hind part of the
neck, fcapulars, and leffer wing coverts, deep adi-colour: rump
the fame, but paler : upper tail coverts dirty white: lides of the
head, and all beneath to the tail, white: thighs cinereous i
greater wing coverts brown, edged with grey :- quills brown,
edged without with grey; within with whitilh : tail brown, edged
with grey; the two middle feathers cinereous: legs and cla.ws
P.L ACE. Inhabits North America.
9 parti*
Parus cjeruleus, tin. Syjl.i, p. 341. N°$.— Scop. ann. i. p. 163. N° 244.—-
Kram. el. 379♦ N° 3.-—Rail Syn, p, 74. A. 4.—Muller, p. 34. N° 285.
— Frifch. pl. 14.
La Mefange bleue, Brif. orn. iii. p. 544. N° z.—Buf. oif. v. p. 413.— Pl, enU
iii. f. 2.
Blue Titmoufe, Albin. i. pl. 47.— fVill. orn* p, 242. pl. 43. — Br. Zool. i.
N° 163. pl. 57. f. z.'—Arél. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
J^ E .N G T H' four inches and a half. Bill four lines and a
half, and blackilh : crown blue: forehead, and whole fide
of the head, white : from the bill, through the eyes, runs a narrow
line of blacky to the hind head, which, as well as the hind
part of the neck, is black, and is continued in a line of black to
the bill, bounding the lower part of the white on the fides of the
head: the back is yellowilh green: wing coverts blue: quills
black, edged with dulky : tail blue; outer edge paler; the two
middle feathers longed : the under parts of the body yellowilh:
white: legs and claws black.
This beautiful fpecies is well known throughout Europe, and
is found to be very deftruftive to our gardens and orchards, by-
biting off the buds of the bloffoms, in fearch of infefts j yet, as
Albin obferves, is ufeful in another manner, in dedroying young
caterpillars, and eggs of thofe infeóts which dedroy the fruit.
Th& female makes a ned in the hollows of walls or trees, lining
it well with feathers; laying a great number of white fmall eggs,,
at lead fourteen or fifteen, though fome fay as far as twenty-
two ; but hatches only once a year, except the fird ned is plundered.
It eafil-y forfakes its ned, even if the eggs are touched,
D escription,
Place and-