tail are brown, mixed with darker brown, the laft colour pofieffing
the middle of each feather: the chin and throat are orange ; from
thence to the vent yellowilh white., inclining moft to yellow near
the vent: over the eye is a yellowifh ftreak, and beneath, on the
ear, a dulky one: four of the outer tail feathers are white at the
ends, but irregularly fo ; for the outer one is white for near an
inch, but the fourth only at thè tip : the legs are duflcy : the toes
pretty long: the hind claw above half an inch in length, and a
little bent.
This I defcribed from a fpecimen in the Leverian Mufeum,
tvhich I take to be a female; for i find the males differ a little.
Thefe have the yellow on the throat bordered with black all
round; the ftripe over the eye orange, or deep yellow j the
breaft compofed of a mixture of brown, grey, and pale yellow j
and the belly anti fides of a rufous orange colour : the greater
«quills are edged with yellow, and the Idler with grey.
Buff on mentions having feen two females which had the throat
o f a pale rufous colour, and the breaft fpotted with brown.
Thefe birds inhabit the Cape o f Good Hope, where they are not
Alauda alpeflris, Lin. Syjl. 1. p, 289. N° '10,~—Georgi TLei/e. p. 173.
•L’Alouette de Virginie, Brif. orn. iii, p. 367. N° 12.
Le Haufe-col noir, ou L’Alouette de Virginie, Buf. oif. v. p. j j .
■ Schnee-lerche, Fri/ch. pl. 16.
The Lark, Cate/b. Car, i. pl, 32.
Shore Lark, Phil. Tran/, vol. lxii. p. 398 Jr il. Zotl.
Br. Mu/. Lev. Mu/.
1 Z £ and fhape of the Sky-lark : length fix inches and a half.
The bill feven inches, and black • the upper parts of the body
VoL- I S 3 D reddifh
D escription.