V ar. B.
Le Cul-blanc cendré, Brif. orn. iii. p. 454, N° 3. pi. 21. f. 3.— B:f. oif. v,
p- 245.
D escription. I N this the forehead is white: the upper parts of the body
afh-coloured, irregularly mixed with grey brown : the rump
of this lad colour. Ocherwife it is not unlike the firft-defcribed.
V ar C.
D escription. £ C O P O L I obferves a further variety, found about Dwina,
which is.white above: throat, wings, and almoft the whole
of the two middle tail feathers, black; and two fpots of black
on the other feathers of it.
g Motacilla ftapazina, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 231. N° 14.
RUSSET W. E. Le Cul-blanc roux, Brif. orn. iii. p. 459. N° 3j .—Buf. oif. v. p. 246.
Oenanthe altera, Rati Syn. 76. N° 2.— Will. orn. p. 233.
Red or Ruflet-coloured Wheat-Ear, Edw. pl. 31.
Stapazino, Aril. ZoqL
Lev. Mu/.
D escription»
F emale«
g I Z E of the others. The male has the head, neck, back,
and bread, of a dirty faint orange; deeper on the back, and
fainter on the bread : acrofs the lower part of the back is a cref-
cent of black fpots: the chin, cheeks, and throat, black: rump,
lower belly, and upper tail coverts, white: wings light brown:
the two middle tail feathers are black; the red white, with a
narrow border of black-, bill and legs black.
Tht female is like the male, except that the black mark is
round and behind the eyes only, and not under the throat,
which is white.
Thefe are found at Gibraltar-, and are likewife met with in PlACE-
Italy about Bologna, but not common.
Le Cul-blanc rouffatre, Brif. orn. iii. p. 457. pl. 25. f. 4*-“Buf. oif. v. 245»
Strapazino, Ruii Syn. 81. N° 13.—--Will» orn. p. 233.
T HI S , fays Willughby, has the 1 rump underneath, and al-
Bj mod the whole tail likewife, white : the head and back
" of a rudy yellow: the wing feathers half black and half yel-
“ low: the bill indifferently long, of a dulky colour : the throat,
« bread, and belly, are white, lightly dalhed with yellow : the
“ tail towards the rump is yellow, elfe black.”
This was found near Nifmes, and about Bologna.
It is thought by Linnxus a variety of the lad, in which fenti-
ment I will join him : and indeed, to fay the truth, I believe the
whole of the above-mentioned Wheat-Pars, are mere accidental
varieties, from age, fex, or accident.
V ar. A.
D escription*
Le Motteux du Senegal, Buf.i oif. v. p. 249. RUFOul* W E
Cul-blanc du Senegal, PL enl. 583. 2.
T J I G G E R than the common Wheat-Ear: length feven D escription.
inches. Bill black: upper parts rufous brown: wing coverts
brown, edged with rufous: quills the fame : the Under
parts of the body are yellowilh white, inclining to reddifh on
the bread : the rump, upper and under tail coverts, and bale of
the tail, white ; the red the fame as the quills : legs black.
Inhabits. Senegal. Peace.