Akuda pratenfis, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 287. N" 2 .— Faun. Sate. N” 2I0. — Bran.
N° 223.—Mull. p ..28. N° 230.— Fti/cb. pi. 16.— Olin. uc. p. 27.
L ’Alouettc de prez. ou La Farlonfe, Brif. orn. iii. p. 343. N" 3_-Buf. cif.
v. p. 31. pi. 3.—-P/. enl. 660. 1.
Firft Spipola of Aidrav. and other Spipola of ditto, Will. orn. p. i to ?
Tiulark, Rail Syn. p. 69. A .,3. — Will., orn. p. 206. — Alb. i. pi. 4 3._Br.
Zool. i. N° 13.8.— ArSi. Zool.
Mr* Muf. Lev. Muf.
' J ’ H I S is much lefs than the Sky-lark, being only five inches
and a half in length. The bill half an inch long and black,
paler beneath : irides hazel: the upper parts of the head and
body are greenilh brown; the middle of each feather blackilh :
over each eye a palilh ftreak : the under parts white, but the
bread more inclined to yellow, and marked with longifh fpots
of black : the tail is blackilh; the outer feather white on the
outer edge the whole length, but on the inner, only half-way
from the end; the outermoft but one has only a fpot of white
at the tip ; the legs are yellowilh, and the Claws brown, i
This, bird is frequent in England, and, like the TV,ood-lark,
perches on trees. The hind claw is pretty long, but bent. Ir
has a fine note, though not much variety in it; yet fome compare
it to the Canary-bird’s, and others to that of ,the Nightingale,
and it is very entertaining to fee this bird warbling in the
air, and frequently increafing its fong as it defcends to a branch
whereon it intends to perch. This we have frequently feen; not
but it fings well in all fituations.
It builds the neft on the ground*, lining it with horfe-hair;
Willugbby faw one in a furze-bujb, near the ground.
and'lays five or fix eggs, of a deep brown colour; and the young
are hatched about the beginning of June.
As to its food, Wittughby fays that he found Beetles, and other
infeCts, in its gizzard. It alfo feeds on feeds.. Buffon kept one
of them a whole year upon this laft food only.
It is obferved that this bird, the Thrujh, Black-bird, Wilhw-
wren, and fome others, lofe their note about Midjummer,. and refume
it in September *.
The male differs only in being of a.brighter colour.-
A white variety of this bird is recorded by Brijfon f ; and one
with dufky legs is mentioned in the Br. Zoology, fhot on the
coaft of Caernarvonjhire.
Olina fays, that. it.lives only four or five years ; .and that it is
difficult to raife. On the contrary, Willughby affirms, that it is
long-lived,, and very hardy.— I.know not.which of them is in the-
I am told that the Cuckow very- frequently-lays its egg in the
neft of this bird. Dr. Heyjham informs me,. that he found a
young Cuckow in the neft of one laft year. - It was newly hatched.
The old Tit-lark fat upon it, and fed it. The young I its, though
not quite feathered, .were fitting at the outfide of the neft.
Lefler Field Lark, Will. orn. N° 207.
Field Lark, Br. Zool. i. N* 139.—Ar.ft. Zool*
Lev. Muf.
HP H I S is about the fize of. the laft, but has a reddifh brown
tinge throughout the plumage inftead of green. The chin,
* Br. Zool. f La.Farloufe blanche, Orn. iii. p. 346.
O bservations
V ari e t 1 e s,
6. 4- FIELD L
D escription