522 M A N A K I N ,
V ar. A.
D escription,
Manakin a tête noire de Cayenne, Pi. enl. 303. f. i.
l ' H I S is precifely the fame, but the white fpot on the wing
is wanting : the legs yellow. Moft lik ely a variety, or
fexual difference.
Place* T hefe birds are common at Guiana, efpecially in the fkirts o f
woods i for they do not fancy open places and mùift meadows,
lik e many o f the genuS. 'T h e y keep together in fmall flocks,
like other Manakins, but do not mix with them : are often found
on the ground ; now and then on low branches o f trees -, frequent
in the neighbourhood o f ants-nefis, and are obferved to leap up.
frequently, being ftung by them, as is fuppofed, in the legs, fet-
ting up at the fame time a cry, not unlike that o f cracking a
nut, repeating this pretty often. T h e y are very liv e ly birds,
and o f a reftlefs nature ; feldom feen in a ftill pofture, though
not able to fly far at a time.
g o 5l d -
Pipra erythrocephala, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 139. N(> 6.
Le Mankin à tête d’or, Brif. orn. iv. 448. N° 4. pi. 34.. f. 2.—Buf. oif iv.
418.— PI. enl. 34. f. I.
. Golden-headed black Titmoufe, Bdnu. pi. 21.— Gen. of Birds, p. 64. pi*
so. f. 2.
D escription* I E N G T B three inches and a quarter. B ill five lines, and
o f a dull yellow : crown o f the head, nape, and cheeks, o f
a b right golden orange : reft o f the body, wings, and tail, o f a
purplifh black : garter orange : legs flefh-colour.
Pipra erythrocepbala, $. Lin. Syß. i. 339. N° 6.
Le Manakin à tête rouge, Brif. orn. iv. p. 450. N° 5.— Buf. oif iv. p. 418.
Tangaræ alia fpecies, Rati Syn. p. 84. N° 14.
Second kind of Tangara, Will. orn. p. 244,
Lev. Mu/,
g I Z E of the laft : length three inches and a quarter. Bill
very fhort, and yellowilh : the top of the head crimfon : reft
of the body, wings, and tail, gloffy fteel black : the quills and
tail are blackilh, with gloffy fteel black margins : thighs white ;
but the outfide, near the joint or garter, is crimlbn : legs yellowilh.
Pipra leucocilla, Lin. Syß. i. p. 340. N®9*
Le Manakin à tête blanche, Brif. orn. iv. p. 446. N° 3. pi. 35. f. z,—.
Buf. oif. iv. p. 418.— PI. enl. 34. f. 2.
White-capped Manakin, Edvj. pi. 260.
Br. Muf. Lev. Lfuf.
R A T H E R lefs in fize than the laft : length three inches
and a quarter. Bill four lines and a half; colour grey
brown : top of the head white : the reft of the body of a fine
polifhed fteel black : legs and claws reddifh.
Linnæus thinks the two before defcribed to be merely varieties.
Buffon joins this alfo, as fuppofing all three to differ
by age, or fexually, The colour of the black is alike in all. . M.
Mantmcour * has obferved the red garter in this bird, which is
feen in the other two ; but obferves that it is not always
• Hiß. de s oif. iv. p. 420*
3 X 2 All
v*r. a.
D escrittion,
D escription.