t,e petit Figuier a longue queue de Ja Chine, Sen. Voy. Ind. voi. ii. p. 206.
H E top of the head is pale rufous : hind part of the neck,
back, rump, wing coverts, and tail, pale olive green :
quills olive brown: the tail is long and flender, compofed of
very narrow feathers; the two middle ones as long as the
This inhabits China, is frequent among the • trees with which
the Chinefe adorn the courts about their houfes, and is very tame.
It has an agreeable note.
Motacilla cyanea,. Ellis's Narr. p. 22.
Lev. Mu/.
’ J 1 H E length of this beautiful fpecies is five inches and a half.
The bill black : the feathers of the head are long, and ftand
eredt like a full creft; from the forehead to the crown they are
of a bright blue j from thence to the nape black like velvet:
through the eyes from the bill a line of black : beneath the eye
fprings a tuft of the fame blue feathers ; beneath thefe, and on the
chin, it is of a deep blue, almoft black, and feeling like velvet:
on the ears is another patch of blue, and acrofs the back part of
the head a band of the fame*; the whole giving the head a greater
appearance of bulk than is natural : the hind part of the neck,
and upper parts of the body and tail, deep blue black j the under
pure white : wings dulky j fhafts of the quills chelhut: the tail
* In fome fpecimens, tire patches of blue under the eye, and on the ear,
unite together, and join with the band at the nape, as in the oppofite plate.
3 two*
D escription.
D escription.