cularly Boulderwood and Rindfield lodges. There are alfo many
met with in SuJ/ex, and fome in Surrey. '
The females affemble at the crowing of the male, in the fame
-manner as in the Wood Grous. They lay fix or eight yellowilh
white eggs, fpeckled with ferruginous j with fpots of the fame,
which are largeft at the fmall end.
The males will often meet and fight, like the Game Cock, and,
during the combat, are fo off their guard as to be knocked down
with a Hick.
Thefe birds are likewife plentiful in all the northern parts of
Europe, without exception, and in fewer numbers towards the
fouth 5 but then are only found- on' the mountainous and bleak
fituations. Are extremely common in all the northern parts of
Rujjia and Sibiria, wherever the birch-trees grow. Are alfo fond
o f the Sibirian poplar *, which is faid to give the flelh an exceeding
fine flavour.
Var.■3 - A. Le Coq de Bruyères piqueté, Brif. orn. i. p. 191. A.
Tetrad Hybridus, Faun. Suec. N° 201.
D escription. tJP H I S is a mere variety of the laft-defcribed. The male is
faid to have reddilh fpots on the neck, bread:, wings, and
rhighs; and the female to be of a grey colour, fpotted with black.
Place. Said to be met with in Sweden and Scotland.
* Populus baljamf'ra.—Tin.
Tetrao nemelianus, Seep. am. i. N? 171.—Ahtmv. Iib. xiii. c. 8.’
g I Z E of the Black Grous... Body black and rufous mixed :
tail rufous, tipped and fpotted with black ; fecondaries tipped
with white,
One fex has the neck, cheeks, and bread, plain rufous.
Tetrao betulinus, Scop. ann. i. ts° 172.— Aldcooj. Iib.xiii. c. 9.-
H E body in this bird is black and rufous mixed: rump
whitifh,. fafeiated with black: bread pale cinereous: quills
tipped with white : tail black, marked with tranfverfe rufous
fpots : bill and legs black: the eye-brows not red.
Tetrao Canadenfis, Lin. Sy/t. i. p. 274, 3.
~ Canace, — ■ ■ m p. 273. 7«
Le Gelinote de la Baye de Hudfon, Brif. orn.i. p; 201. 6
L.e Gelinote du Canada,. B rif orn. i. p. 203. 7. pi. 20. f.. 1. 2.—~Btf. oif> ii^
p. 279.— PI. enl.. 131. 132.
Black and Spotted Heathcock, EXive pi. 118. (the male).
Brown and Spotted Heathcock, —~ — pi. 71. (the female)-.-
Spotted Grous, Phil. Tranf vol. lxii. p. 389.— Ar£l. Z00L
Leu. Muf.
C I Z E of the Ptarmigan : length thirteen, inches-and a half..
Bill black: the upper parts of the head, neck, body, and
rump, are tranfverfely barred with blackifh and. grey brown :
nodrils covered with black; on each fide of them a fmall fpot
®f white, and another beneath the eye, rather behind : over the.
eyelids, a ,bare carunculated red fpace ;. throat, bread, and belly,
D escription.
D escription,
D escription,.