P I N T A D O . 63 9
but at the angles of the mouth is a kind of fold : the head and
neck, beyond the middle, are. naked, of a dull blue, befet only
with a few fcattered hairs; the fpace round the ears mod covered
: the fore part, from the throat, fanguineous : on the head
is a large creft, compofed of thick-fet (lender black feathers; the
greateft part of this turns backwards, but the fore part of it falls
forwards over the b ill: the whole plumage is black; the neck,
and fore part of the body, immaculate j the reft covered with
blueilh fpots of the lize of millet-feed; on fome feathers there
are four, and on others three on each web: the prime quills
blackilh brown; fecondaries the fame, with four fpots on each
fide the lhafts j two or three of thofe on the outer margins,
broad and white: tail crofted with tranfverfe undulated lines : legs
blackilh : hind claw elevated from the ground, and blunt.
This fpecies likewife inhabits Africa. Perhaps it may have
fome relation to the crefted fort which Marcgrave mentions to
have feen, and which came from Sierra Leon. This had a kind
of membranous collar about the neck, of a blueilh alh colour,
and a large roundilh black creft *.
* Caput tegit crida rotunda, multiplex, conftan» pennis eleganter nigrls.-
Marcgr. Hiß, Nat. Bra/, p. 192.
VOL. II. 4 T G enus