D escription*
Meleagris fatyra, Lin, Syfi. i. p. 269. 3.
l e Faifan cornu de Bengale, Brif orn. App. p. 14. N° 17».
Le Napaul, ou Faifan cornu, Buf. oif ii. p, 36.2.
Horned Pheafant, Ed<u. pi. 16.
O I Z E between the Fowl and a Turkey. Bill brown : the
noftrils, fore part of the head, and round the eyes, covered
with flender black hairy feathers: top of the head red : behind
each eye fprings a fiefhy callous blue fubliance like a horn, tending
backwards: on the fore part of the neck, and throat, is a
loofe flap, of an exceeding fine blue colour, marked with orange
fpots ; the lower part of it belet with a few hairs j down the
middle it is loofer than on the lides, being wrinkled : the breaft,
and upper part of the back, of a full red : the neck and brealt
incline to orange: the other parts of the plumage and tail
rufous brown, marked all over with white fpots, encompafled with
black: the legs are whitilh,. and furnilhed with a fpur behind
A head of this was fent to Dr. Mead from Bengal, with a,
drawing of the bird; it was called Napaul Pheafant,
Meleagris criilata, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 269. 2.
Le Dindon du Brefil, Brif. orn,. i. p. 162. 2.
Jacupema, Rail Syn. p. 56. 2.— Will. orn. p. 165. pi. 28..
Guan, or Quan, Edw. pi. 13.
Lev» Muf.
g I Z E of a Fowl: length two feet fix inches. Bill two inches,
long, and black: irides dirty orange : fides of the head covered