P lace and
This inhabits India; and is remarkable for nothing fo much
as the neft, which is conftrufted after a curious manner, being
compofed of two leaves ; the one dead, which it fixes, at the
end of fome branch, to the fide of a living one, by fewing both
together in the manner of a pouch or purfe, and open at top.
it lines the infide with fine down: thus the brood is fecurc
from the depredation of Jnakes and monkies, to which they might
otherwife fall a prey. The eggs are white.
G en u s
G enus XLII. M A N A K I W
N° 1. Rock M.
Var. A. Peruvian M.
2. Blue-backed M.
3. White-fronted M.
4. Black-crowned M.
Var. A.
j . Gold-headed M.
Var. A.
6. White-capped M.
7. White-headed M.
8. White-throated M.
9. Red and black M.
Var. A.
10. Little M.
11. Striped-headed M.
N* 12. Spotted M.
13. White-eared M.
14. Purple M.
15. Yellow M.
16. Collared M.
17. Grey M.
18. White-crefted M.
Var. A.
19. Black-crowned M.
ao. Papuan M.
21. Crimfon-vented M.
22. Black-throated M.
23. Orange-bellied M,
24. Cinereous M.
25. Tuneful M.
BI L L fhort, ftrong, hard, and flightly incurvated: noftrils
The middle toe connefted to the outer as far as the third
joint *.
Tail fhort.
* There mutt be fome latitude given to this character, for fome o f the fpecies
below-mentioned differ a little in this particular.