* 7 » J?- E A C O C K.
V ar. B.
D e s c r ip t io n .
Pe. LX.
Le Paon blanc, Br if. orn. i. p. 288.— Buf. oif. ii. p. 323.— Raii Syn. p. 51.
A. 2.— Frifcb. pl. 120.
Lev. Muf, .
r P H I S is wholly white, the eyes of thé train not excepted";
but thefé are to be plainly traced out on the feathers by a
different undulation of fhade, though apparently. of the fame pure white colour. I believe this variety to be more common
in England than elfewhere.
I cannot clofe this account without mentioning a circumftance
which now and then occurs in tht females of this fpecies, viz.
having the external marks of the plumage of the male: two in-
ftances of which have occurred to me;, the one belonging to a
friend of mine in this' county; the other now to be feen in the
Leverian Mujeum. This laft beautiful bird belonged io Lady
Tynte, and had bred for fome years; but after cealing to lay
'eggs, Began to put out the male eyed feathen-, and at the time
of its death appeared like a young male,. 2
2 Pa-vo muticns, Lin. SjJt. i .p . 268*.
JAPAN P. • LePaondu Japon, Brif. orn. i. p. 289.
Le Spicifere, Buf. oif. ii. p. 366.
. Pavo Japonenfis, Aldr. av. ii. pl. 33-34. (“ ale and.female.),— Jobnft. av.
ph 23- -
D escription. C 1 Z E of the C r e fied P e a c o c k ; but the bill is larger, and afh.-
coloured: the fpace round the eyes is red : irides yellow : on
the top of the head is an upright creft, four inches in length, and
in lhape not much unlike an ear o f-com -, the colour mixed green
and blue: the top of the head and neck are greeniib, marked
, with