F e m a l e .
P l a c e .
pretty long, fufficient to form a creft; of a dull brown colour:
between the bill and eyes naked, with a few fcattered hairs : lides
of the head white: neck bright brown, ftriated acrofs with dufky
brown : the upper parts of the back, fcapulars, and wing coverts,
are dull brown, dotted with paler brown and yellowifh ; befides
which, each feather is marked near the end with a roundifh large
fpot of a gilded purple colour, changing into blue and g*reen in
different lights : lower part of the back and rump dotted with
white: all the under parts brown, ftriated tranfverfely with
black : quills dufky; the fecondaries marked with the fame fpot
as the reft of the wing : the upper tail coverts are longer than
the tail, and each marked at the end with a fpot like the wing
feathers, each of which is furrounded firft with a circle of black,
and ultimately with an orange one : the legs and claws are brown,
and on the back part of each leg are two fpurs, one above the
The female is fmaller by one third. The head, neck, an<J
under parts, are brown; the head fmooth : the upper parts are
alfo brown, and the feathers marked with a dull blue fpot, fur-
rounded with dirty orange ; the feathers which cover the tail are
alfo the fame, but marked at the end with an obfcure dull oval
fpot of blue : the legs are without fpurs.
T h e fe are indigenous to China, from whence they have been
brought alive into England, and for fome time in the poffeffion
of Dr. James Monro. The male is now in the Leverian Mufeum,
in the fineft prefervation.
Sonnerat obferves, that the bird from whence his defcription
was taken had two fpurs on 6ne leg, and three on the other.
This muft furely be a liifus natura; efpecially as he fays it is the
fame as that in Edw. pi. 67.
9 I’avo
Pavo Tibetanus, tin. Syfi. i. p. 268. 2, (3 .
Le Paon du Tibet, Brif. orn. i. p, 294. 10. pi.
Le Chinquis, Buf.oi/.'ii. p.365.
A . f. 2.
g I Z E of the Pintado: length two feet one inch and a half.
Bill above one inch and a half long, and cinereous : irides
yellow; the head, neck, and under parts, afh-colour, marked
with blackifh ' linesthe wing coverts, back, and rump, grey,
with fmall white dots ; befides which, on the wing coverts and
back are large round fpots of a fine blue, changing in different
lights to violet and green gold: the quills and upper tail
coverts are alfo grey, marked with blackifh lines; the quills have
two round blue fpots on each, like thofe of the coverts; on the
outer webs, and on each tail feather, there are four of the fame,
two on each fide the web -y the middle coverts are the longeft,
the others lhorten by degrees : the legs are grey, furnilhed with
two fpurs behind, like the laft fpecies : claws blackifh.
This inhabits the kingdom of Thibet.
The Chinefe give it the name of Chin-tchien-Khi.
D e s c r i p t i o n .
4 R 2 G e n u s