2 6.
D escriptu
'white, marked with blackilh fpots on the neck and breaft: the
legs are yellowifh.
This fpecies was fent to Buffon from Provence, where it ufhers
in the morn by its fong. The male and female are conftant companions,
whether in the time of incubation, or in fearch of food;
which confifts of caterpillars, grafshoppers, fnails, and fuch like.
The above author mentions it as a new Ipecies, not before de-
fcribed : indeed there has been a Lark brought from the Cape of
Good Hope, which differed not materially from this, except in
wanting the creft, the under parts more inclined to yellow, and
no white either in the wings or tail— differences too trivial to
forbid our placing it here, either as a female of that above
jdefcrihed, or a young bird.
L ’Alouette hupee du Senegal, Brif. or«, iii. p. 362. N» 10. pi. ig. f. 2.
Xa Grife.tte qu le Cochevis du Senegal, Buf. oif. v. p. 79._PL enl. 504. £ 1,
[ N G T H fix inches and a half. Bill nine lines and a half
long, and of an horn-colour: the head is fiightly crefted:
the colour of the plumage on the upper parts is grey and brown
mixed, each feather- being brown in the middle, with grey edges:
the under parts Whitilh, marked with fmall fpots of brown on the
throat: the fides and under the wings incline to rufous : the
quills are grey brown, with grey edges j but at the bafe, for two
thirds of their length, are rufous within: the two middle tail
feathers are grey, the others brown, but the outer one rufous
white for nearly the whole breadth; the next to this has the outer
edge of the fame colour : the legs and claws grey.
This is.found at Senegal. ■
7 B I L L
I L L black: upper parts of the body teftaceous: crown of
the head dalhed with black : the wing coverts marked with
the fame : the under parts of the body teftaceous white: quills
dulky; the fecondaries deeply margined with teftaceous; the
edges of the greater pale: four of the middle tail feathers marked
as the quills; the others teftaceous white: legs yellow: hind
claw a trifle incurvated.
Inhabits Gibraltar *. .
TJ I L L ftout, white, with a dulky tip : upper part of the
plumage cream-colour; each feather dulky brown in the
middle : coverts and quills edged with grey : the under parts are
yellowilh white, deepeft on the breaft: tail as the upper parts;
feme f of the outer feathers yellowilh white ; legs flelh-colour;
claws dulky.
Inhabits Portugal.
* Mr. Pennant.
f As this defcription was taken from a drawing, the number could not be
afcertained. Mr. Pennant•
3 E
D escription.
D escription.
VOL. II. G enu