i t .
D escription*
Place and
M anners*
D escription*
L ’Hirondelle grife desReehe«, Buf. o!/ vi. p. 641.
Lev. Muf.
J ^ E N G T H five inches and a half. Bill black r plumage
above like the Sand Martin: quills and tail grey brown,
margined with rufous : the tail fcarcely forked ; the two middle
feathers, and the outer one on each fide, plain; the four on each
fide, between theft, marked on the inner web with a white fpot :
the under part of the body rufous : fides inclining to brown : legs
covered with grey down, mixed with brown ; claws black.
Theft inhabit the rocks and crags about Savoy: arriving there
the middle of April, and departing the 15th of Auguft: for the
moft part; now and then fome ft Higglers remain to the 10th of
October. This fpecies is alfo found in the: mountains of Auvergne
and Dauphiné. I have alfo received it from Gibraltar.
It feems to have great affinity to the laft.
Hirundo daurica, Lin.Mmtif. 1771. p. 528.— J a . Holm. 1769,
Hirundo alpeftris, Pall. Tr. vol. ii. p. 709. N° 19.
■— — daurica, Spic. Zool.
I G G E R than the Chimney Swallow: the bill a little
broader : crown of the head, bafe of the wings, and between
them, alfo the tail coverts, of a deep fteel black: on each fide of
the head, from the eye to the nape, taking in the temples, a triangular
ferruginous patch ; in fome fubjeifts meeting at the back
part: lower part of the back and rump pale ferruginous: under
parts dirty white, ftreaked with black down the ffiaft: tail glofiy
black, and very forked; the four middle feathers nearly even;