D escription.
neck; this is accompanied by the white lift, as in the male-, and
the reft of the plumage is not far different.
Thefe inhabit Cayenne, Guiana, and other parts of South
Pipra criftata, Lin. Syß. i. 339. N° 3.
Le Manakin rouge hupé, Brif. orn. iv. p. 462. N° 12.
Piciçitli, Sehet, i. p. 95. t. 59. £ 4 ?—Buf. oif. iv. 426»
Serin de Surinam, Defer. Surin, vol. ii. 194 ?
T E N G T H three inches and a half. The bill red : the top
of the head is crefted, and of a yellow colour : the reft of
the body and wings of the moft beautiful purple: the tail red.
Buffon hints, that this cannot be the bird named Picicitli, fince
one mentioned by that name by Fernandez is otherwife deferibedj
•viz. alh-coloured, with a black head and neck, and a white fpot
furrounding its large eyes, proceeding to the breaft.
This inhabits Mexico and Brafil.
I take it to be the Surinam Finch, deferibed by Fermin, above-
mentioned. His bird has a golden orange creft: the reft of
the body violet, like an Amethyfi. He adds, that it is lefs than a
Sparrow, and its note far from agreeable.
m a n a k i n .
Pipra rubetra, Lin. Syji. i. p. 339. N° 4.
Le Manakin roux hupé, Brif. orn. iv. 461. N” II.
Rubetra, ou Oifeau d’Amérique huppé, Buf. oif. iv. 425, — Seha, 1. p. 160.
t. 102. f. 4.
T E N G T H four inches and a quarter. Bill fix lines and a
^ half, and yellow. This bird has a yellow creft : general
colour of the plumage yellowilh : throat brown : quills and tad
bright blue.
Inhabits Brafil and Cayenne.
Manakin a Collier, Brif. orn. iv. p. 436. N” 3.
Maizi de Miacatototl *, Seba, i. p. 92* jjgj 57* ^ 3•-“ £#ƒ• 1V* P* 424*
C I Z E of the Gold-headed Manakin : length almoft three inches
^ and a half. Bill four lines and a half long, and of a yellowilh
colour : the head of a bright red : throat and fore part of the
neck golden yellow, in lhape of a collar: the hind part of the
neck, back, rump, the breaft, and reft of the under parts, are
black: wing coverts and quills deep blue: tail black: legs
pale yellow.
Said to inhabit Brafil; but Buffon obferves, that the name it
bears is Mexican, and fignifies Maize Bird.
* Fernandez deferibes another bird by the name of Miacatototl-, faying
merely that it is a fmall one, and is found fitting on the heads of maize • that it
has a palilh belly ; the reft of the body black; on the wing fome white feathers ;
and under the tail cinereous : that it lives in cold places, and is good food.
See Hiß. N. Hiff. p. 30.
VoL.II. 3 Y Le
' 5-
D escription.
D escription.