660 P I G E O N .
times found in Carolina. IVillughby fays it is very common at
Mexico, where it inhabits mountainous places, and is thought
excellent eating. Bancroft * obferves, that this is the only Dove
met with in Guiana. It is alfo common in Jamaica-, where
Sloant mentions that “ they feed on the ground as Partridges, and
fpring as they do ; riling and flying for a Ihort flight, and then
light again on the ground. They are very often many together
j very good meat; very common in all the plains of the
ifland j and feed on the grains and feeds of vegetables. -
They are taken in clavanies, or traps, made of reeds, baited
with the feeds of that Ricinus called here Wild Cajfada.
V ^ A .
Columba minuta, Lin. Syft. i. p. 285. N° 35.
La petite Tourterelle brune d’Amerique, Bri/. orn. i. p. 117. N* 20. pi. 8'.
£. 2.
TJapalcocotli, Will. orn. p. 184*
D escription, T p H I S is ftill lefs than the laft, being only five inches and a
half in length. The upper parts of the body are brown: the
under parts more or lefs rufous white : wing coverts rufous brown,
with feven fmall fpots of the colour of polilhed fteel; three being
on the lefler, and four on the greater wing coverts : the quills as
in the laft Ipecies: the two middle tail feathers are brown 5 the
others alh-coloured at the bafe, then black, with brown tips
befides which the two outer ones have the outer webs towards
the tips white : the bill and legs are brown.
Inhabits St. Domingo 3 and is probably a variety of the laft.
♦ JUJk* o f Guiana*
P I G E O N . 661
La petite Tourterellc de Queda, Son. Voy. Ind. vol.ii. p. 177.
» T H I S is a little bigger than the Houfe Sparrow, and longer.
The bill is black, tinged with yellow at the tip and bafe:
irides yellow : the forehead and throat are light cinereous grey :
the hind part of the head the fame, crofied with black lines : the
back, rump, and lefier wing coverts, are pale cinereous grey, tipped
with a black band : fides of the neck white, eroded with numerous
lines of black : bread: and belly pale vinous grey j fides of
the laft undulated with black lines: quills brown : the middle tail
feathers the fame; the others are brown for two thirds of their
length, and from thence to the end white : thighs and under tail
coverts are alfo white : legs the colour of yellow orpiment.
This inhabits Malacca ; and is a beautiful fpecies, and the flelh
faid to be extremely delicate. It has been tranfported into the
IJle of France, where it has multiplied exceedingly.
* * W i t h L O N G T A I L S .
Columba migratoria, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 285. N° 56.— Fri/cb.'t. 142.
Le Pigeon fauvage d’Amerique, Brif. orn. i. p. 100. N° 12.
Pigeon dePaflage, Buf. oi/.ii. p. 527.
Pigeon ofPaffage, Caujb. Car. i. pi. 23.
Migratory or Paffenger Pigeon, Phil. Tran/. voL Ixii. p. 398.
American Migratory Pigeon, Kalm. Trav. vol. ii. p. 82. plate oppolite. —
Ar£i. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Mu/.
* H I S is about the fize of the Common Pigeon: weight nine
ounces : length fourteen inches. Bill eleven lines long,
*nd black: round the eyes crimfon: irides orange: the head,
D escription.
D escription*