D e s c r i p t i o n .
F e m a l e .
D escription.
V arietie s.
Pompadour Pigeon. Brown, lllujl. pi. 19. (male ■ )
Yellow-faced Pigeon, .----------pi. 20. (female?)
^ E S S than a 'Turtle. Bill blueilh: cheeks and chin pale
yellow : back, bread, and belly, pale green: wing coverts
of a fine pompadour colour: quills black, edged with yellow:
tail of a light green, and long: legs red.
The fecond of the above is the female. The colours are paler;
and the wing coverts of the fame colour as the body.
Thefe inhabit Ceylon; and are always feen on trees, never on
the ground; for the mod part on thofe known by the name of
Waringin Grotbebria, on the berries of which it delights to feed.
Thefe prove good food, and are (hot by the Europeans for that
purpofe. The natives catch them with birdlime.
Lev. Mu/,
LE N G T H nine inches and a half. Bill three quarters o f an
inch, and of a dufky yellow; in fome fpecimens black: the
forehead white; from thence pafies a dreak of the fame over each
eye, almod to the hind head, which, as well as the nape, is black:
the lower part of the neck behind, the fhoulders, and wing coverts,
are of a beautiful deep garnet-colour : the back between
the wings, the quills, tail, lower part of the bread, belly, and
vent, are all black : the tail is two inches and a half long, and
even at the end; the bafe half of a greyilh alh-colour, the end
half black; the under part plain dufky : the legs brown.
Inhabits the ifland of Eimeo.
With the above, at Sir Jofeph Banks’s, is another, which no
5 doubt
doubt differed in fex or age only : it-is about an inch longer a
the forehead, throat, fore part of the neck, and bread, white:
hind part of the neck dufky:, over the eye a ferruginous dreak,
paffing a little downwards on each fide of the neck : back dufky
■ black: belly dufky : fhoulders and wing coverts as in the other :
quills and tail blackifh.
This was met with at Otaheite.
In the fame colleftion I alfo find one which came from the
ifland of Tamat, and feems between both the above; for it has
the white dreak over the eye of the fird, and the fore part to the
bread white as the lad : the forehead, fides of the head, and
fore part of the neck^ are alfo white: kgs deep dull crimfon :
belly and back reddilh black : tail rounded.
Columba indica, Lin. §yji. i. p. 284. N° 29.
Le Pigeon ramier d’Amboine, Brif. orn. i. p. 150. N° 42. pi. 15. £ j.
Green-winged Dove, Edw. pi. 14.
Lev. Mu/.
g I Z E of a Turtle: length ten inches. Bill fcarlet, and
ten lines in length: nodrils blueilh-: eye-of a dark colour
: forehead white; through the eye a dreak of the fame : top
of the head blueifh : the fides of the head, the neck, and bread,
reddifh ; the»hind part of the neck deeped : the upper part of
the back, and wing coverts, green gold, gloffed with copper:
ridge of the wing fpotted with white : lower part of the back,
rump, and upper tail coverts, afh-colour: belly, fides, thighs,
and under tail coverts, reddifh brown: quills brownifh; the
inner webs, for two-thirds of their length from the bafe, rufous -:
V o l . II. 4 L tail
D escription.