P lace.
■ colour of the plumage brown, yellowifh, and fulvous, mixed, but
the greateft part of the head and neck is fulvous, marked with
grey and white fpots 5 and the upper part of the head, the throat,
and lides, are fpotted with blacks wings grey, fpotted with
fulvous and white above; beneath cinereous: legs pale red.
Inhabits the more temperate parts of Mexico; and the flelh
accounted very good to eat.
Le Tocro, ou Perdrix de la Guiane, Buf. oij. Iv. p. 513 ?
Partridge of Guiana, Batter. Guian. p. 177.?
D escription. g I Z E of our Common Partridge.: length eleven inches. Bill
brown : round the eyes red warty excrefcences: through the
eye, and behind it, a pale rufous ftreak: the upper part of the
plumage rufous brown: the exterior webs of the fcapulars mottled
with alh-colour : wing coverts mottled with brownilh aih-co-
lour : the back itfelf cinereous brown, marked with blackifh
dots the throat cinereous: breaft cinereous brown, marked
with obfeure paler bars'; the belly pale orange brown; the
quills have the outer webs fpotted with rufous; legs yellow
Place* From Cayenne or Guiana,-as I Taw it in a collection from the
laft-named place.
It is probable, that the bird referred to in Buffon may be-this
fpecies; for he merely fays, that it is like our Partridge, even
to the bill and legs, although he ranks it with the reft of his
Tinamous. I am not fo clear about that of Bancroft, as he fays
it is near twice the fize of ours : he adds, that they run on the
ground, and ikulk among the bulhes, like a Quail, and when