D escription.
the firft, in which it is feen only on the inner: tail not unlike-
the quills ; the two outer feathers marked with a fpot of white
near the end : legs flelh-colour; middle claw ferrated-
This fpecies inhabits Virginia in fummer; arrives there towards
the middle of April, and frequents the mountainous parts,,
but will frequently approach the houfes of evenings, where it
fettles on a rail or poft, and cries for feveral times together very
loud, fomewhat like the word whiperiwhip, or whip-poor-willft
the firft and laft fyllables pronounced the loudeft. After continuing
in one place for fome time, it flies to another, and does,
the fame; fometimes four or five cry all together: this noife it.
begins juft after fun-fet, and continues at intervals till juft before
fiin-rile. It does not catch infefts always on the wing, for it
frequently fits upon a convenient place, and leaps up after them;
as they fly by, and returns to the fame fpot again. It makes no-
neft, but lays the eggs, which are two in number, and of a dull
green with dulky fpots and ftreaks, on the bare ground in the:
open fields. The flelh is faid to be good to eat *,
J E N G T H ten inches and a quarter. Bill brown, with a:
black tip j noftrils rather prominent: plumage rufous-
brown, dotted with black: head ftreaked with the black : upper
part of the body the' fame, but more obfcure: the fcapulars, and
molt of the outer wing coverts, have a black band near the end,,
and the tips yellowilh buff: leffer quills lpotted with rufous
cream-colour on the outer webthe greater dulky black,, croffed
• Kalm.
about the middle with a white bar: tail fomewhat cuneiform j
the four middle feathers like the back, and croffed with dulky
bars 5 the next on each fide white; the laft but one white on the
inner web, and dulky black on the outer, but near the bafe is a
white fpot; the outer feather dulky black, but white on the
inner web near the bafe: the under parts are pale brown croffed
with dulky lines: on the throat is a large triangular white mark,
each feather of which is fringed with dulky : legs brown : middle
toe very long, and greatly ferrated.
In the colleftion of Major Davies.-, fuppofed to have come
from. Cayenne.
L’EngooleventTGUx de Cayenne, Buf. oif. vi. p. 550.
Crapaud,-volant, ou Tette-chevre de Cayenne, PI. enl. 735. -
T E N G T H ten inches and a half. Bill pale brown, and
twenty-one lines in length : irides yellow : the plumage in
general rufous, irregularly marked with black, in different Ihades:
the upper parts of the body are ftreaked longitudinally, mixed
with irregular and oblique markings of this laft colour, and the
wings are tranfverfely banded with the fame : the throat is croffed
with tranfverfe lines-; beneath the body the fame, but the lines,
encreafe in breadth as they pafs backwards :. the upper part of the
belly inclines much to black, the lower to rufous : the quills are.
barred alternate rufous and black: the tail banded with black,
and exceeds the wings by half an inch ; befides which there are
afew fpots of white, irregularly fcattered on the plumage both,
above and beneath : the legs are flelh-colour..
Inhabits Cayenne,.
D e s c r i p t i o n .