68$ P I N T A D O .
a pure white throughout. Specimens of all which are to be (een
in the Leverian Mufeum.
2. MITRED P. Numida mitrata, Pall. Spic. iv. p. 18. t. 3. f. 1» (the head).
D e s c r i p t i o n , g I Z E of the Common Pintado. Bill yellowilh: the head
crowned with an helmet, but fmaller than in the laft : the
whole crown, and about the bill, of a full but dirty red colour:
on each fide of the gape is a longilh linear portion of fiefh,
pointed at the end j longed in the male, and of a red colour at
the tip : under the throat is a kind of wattle, of a longitudinal
form, in which it feems fomewhat allied to the Turkey: the
upper part of the neck is blueifh and naked : body black : the
feathers on the lower part of the neck tranfverfely undulated with
white, and the body fpotted with the fame, as in the common,
but the ground-colour is more black, and the fpots larger: legs
P l a c e , This fpecies inhabits Madagafcar and Guinea. Pallas feems
to think that it may be the bird mentioned by Columella* as
differing from the common one ; and will account for Pliny’s f
having thought the Numida and Meleagris to be different bitds.
This fort is not common.
3- CRPElS. TLExDrr . P.
D e s c r i p t i o n ,
Numida criikta, rail.'Splc. iv. p. 13. t. 2.
H IS is between the Common Pintado and a Partridge in fize.
Bill horn-colour; .at the bafe furnilhed with a kind of fpu-
rious cere, in which the noftrils are placed : it has no wattles,
• De Re Rußica, Hb. viii. cap. 2. t Hat. Hiß. lib, x. cap. 8.