«- WREN.
Motacilla troglodytes, Lin, Syjl. i. p. 337. N° 46.— Faun. Sutc. N° 2 6 1—
Scop, ann, i. N° z^g.-Kraut. el, 378. zo.— Brun. p. 72. N° 284.-—
Muller, p. 33. p. z"]g.— Georgi Rei/e, p. 175.— Fri/cb. t. 24.—Oliu, uc•
pi. in p. 6.
Le Roitelet, Brif. orn, ui. p. 425. N° 24.—PI. enl. 651- N° 2.
Le Troglodyte, Buf. oif. v. p. 352. pi. 1.
The Wren, Rail Syn. p. 80. A. u .—Will, orn. p. 229- pi. \.Z.—~Alhin. i*.
pi. 53. B.—Br. Zool. i. N° 154.— Ar£i. Z00L
Mr. Mu/. Lev. Muf.
Description« H IS is a very fmall fpecies, in length only three inches
three quarters, though I have feen fome which meafured
four inches. Bill very flender, and dulky brown : irides hazel:
the head, neck, and back, are of a reddilh brown : the laft, as
Place and
well as the wing coverts and tail, crolled with obfcure blackifh
lines : cheeks marked with dirty white mixed with rufous : over
each eye a pale reddilh white ftreak: the under parts, as far as
the bread:, of this laft colour; the reft more inclined to brown,
crofted with brown lines : quills barred alternate w-ith reddilh.
and black : legs pale brown.
The neft is of a curious conftruftion, in lhape almoft oval, and
has only one fmall entrance : it is chiefly compofed of mo/s, well
lined within with feathers. In this the female lays from ten to
il 8 . fixteen, or even eighteen eggs, which are almoft white, with
reddilh markings at the large end. Builds twice in a year, in
April and June. The neft is frequently found in fome corner of
an outhoufe, ftack of wood, hole in a wall, or fuch like, if
near habitations; but, in the woods, often in a bulh near the
ground, Hump of. a tree, or on the ground itfelf.
W A R B L E R ,
This minute bird is found throughout Europe. In England
k defies our fevereft winters. In the colder regions is lefs
common. To the north it is found both in Sweden and Rujfta ;
our laft circumnavigators met with it alfo at Aoonalajhka. Thé
fartheft fouth, Aleppo* in Afia.
Its fong is much efteemed, being, though Ihort, a plealing
warble, and is much louder than could be expefted from the fize
o f the bird ; it continues throughout the year. I have feen
this little bird ling unconcerned even during the fall of fnow ;
it will alfo very late in the evening, though not after dark,
like the Nightingale. Generally carries the tail eredt.
Le Roitelet de Euenos-Ayres, Buf. oif. v, p. 361 .—PI. enl. 730. 2. I+3-
V ar. A.
r p H I S feems to be of the fame Gze with the common, but
•*" the tail is a trifle longer : the colours feem more diftinft
than in our bird, and the under parts paler ; it wants alfo the
ftreak over the eye. This I colledt from infpeftion of the
Planches enluminées, for I have not feen the bird.
D escription,
Found in the neighbourhood of the river Plate in South
Le Troglodyte de la Leuifiane, Buf. oif v, p. 361.
Le Roitelet de la Louiliane, PI. enl. 730. f. 1.
Br. Muf Lev. Muf.
V ar. R.
' J ' H IS is much larger than the others, being five inches
long. The bill is dulky : the upper parts reddilh brown,
crofted with blackilh lines, as in the common iVren : qver the
* Ru/. Alep. p. 71*
3 T 2 eye